Antigua ConventionRules of procedures and Financial Regulations
- IATTC Rules of Procedure Adopted by the Commission at its 83rd meeting, June 2012; amended at its 87th meeting (resumed), October-November 2014, and at its 92nd meeting, July 2017
- IATTC Financial Regulations Amended June 08
Other instruments
Memorandums of Understanding with IGOs and other RFMOs/RFBs
- IATTC-WCPFC Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on the cross-endorsement of IATTC and WCPFC and approved observers when observing on the high seas of the convention areas of both organizations Signed August 2011
- IATTC-WCPFC Memorandum of Cooperation on data exchange
- IATTC-WCPFC Memorandum of Understanding June 2006
- Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between IATTC and CPPS ES
- Memorandum of Understanding between IATTC and ACAP May 2023
- Memorandum of Understanding between IATTC and IAC
- Memorandum of Understanding between IATTC and SPRFMO
- Memorandum of Understanding between IATTC and SPC
Memorandums of Understanding with Governmental Entities
- Memorándum de entendimiento entre la CIAT y IPIAP ES
- Memorandum of Understanding IATTC-FRI Japan
- Memorandum of Understanding IATTC-NFIS Korea
- Memorandum of Understanding IATTC-DTU Denmark
- Memorandum of Understanding IATTC-IRD France
- Memorándum de entendimiento entre la CIAT e INCOPESCA (Costa Rica) 2021 ES
Other Memorandums of Understanding
- Memorándum de entendimiento entre la CIAT y COREMAHI ES
- Memorándum de Entendimiento CIAT-AZTI sobre cooperación y colaboración AZTI ES
- Agreement on a project on "Developing and testing bycatch release devices in tuna purse seiners"
- Agreement on a project on "Developing alternative buoy derived tuna biomass indexes"
- Para el desarrollo de una investigación de apoyo a una gestión sostenible de tunidos tropicales en el Océano Pacífico Oriental ES
- Memorandum of Understanding IATTC-Pacific Alliance for Sustainable Tuna (MEX)
- Memorandum of Understanding IATTC-Pacific Alliance for Sustainable Tuna
- Memorandum of Understanding IATTC-Caltech (JPL)
- Memorandum of Understaning IATTC and Shanghai Ocean University
- Memorándum de Entendimiento CIAT-TUNACONS ES
- Agreement on a pilot project of prototypes of non-untangling and degradable FADs
- Agreement for the improvement of FAD data collection and provision of FAD data from the TUNACONS fleet
- Agreement on the sending of information concerning the buoys associated with the experimental objects of the project “ Development of prototypes of non-entangling and degradable FADs”
- Memorándum de Entendimiento CIAT-AGAC ES
- Memorándum de Entendimiento CIAT-FIPs ES
- Memorándum de Entendimiento CIAT-MigraMar ES
- Memorándum of Understanding IATTC-Ocean Conservancy (OC)
- Memorándum of Understanding IATTC-The Nature Conservancy
- Memorandum of Understanding between IATTC and Upwell Turtles
- Memorandum of Understanding between IATTC and Global Fishing Watch, INC. (GFW)
- Memorandum of Understanding between IATTC and Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands (CDF)
- Memorandum of Understanding IATTC-Atun Sostenible (PAN)
- Memorandum Of Understanding between IATTC and SHOU on Longline Operational-Level Logbook Data for Collaborative Work Regarding Longline Catch Rate
- Memorandum Of Understanding between IATTC and Kindai University Aquaculture Research Institute (KU)
Previous instruments (for reference)
- 1949 IATTC Convention
- IATTC Rules of Procedure Adopted by the Commission at its 4th meeting, August 1952
- IATTC Financial regulations June 2003
- Terms of reference for the Joint Working Group on Fishing by Non-Parties Amended October 2004
- Rules of Procedure of the Permanent Working Group on Compliance June 2000
- Resolution on the La Jolla Agreement April 1992
- Memorandum of Understanding between IATTC and ACAP July 2017
- Memorándum de Entendimiento CIAT-TUNACONS December 2018
- COVID 19 Pandemic Exemption Procedure for the Operation of On-Board Observers
- Memorandum 0412-420 31 December 2022
- Memorandum 0269-420 21 June 2022
- Memorandum 0105-420 28 March 2022
- Memorandum 0564-420 16 December 2021
- Memorandum 0352-420 20 September 2021
- Memorandum 0101-420 08 April 2021
- Memorandum 0847-420 21 December 2020
- Memorandum 0480-420 21 October 2020
- Memorandum 0349-420 24 July 2020
- Memorandum 0227-420 13 May 2020
- Memorandum 0150-420 30 March 2020