IATTC Bigeye Tuna 2020 Benchmark Assessment

Model: Ind (steepness=1)

The assessment was conducted using Stock Synthesis (SS). These web pages provide information created automatically by the R4SS program. They also provide the SS output files and files used to run the stock assessment. The information contained in these web pages and files, or any content derived from them, should not be publically redistributed without the permission of the IATTC.

IATTC bigeye tuna stock assessment document

The plots are also available in pdf

The SS files are available here


SS version:;_2020_03_26;_Stock_Synthesis_by_Richard_Methot_(NOAA)_using_ADMB_12.0

r4ss info:
Version: 1.38.0
Date: NULL
Built: R 3.5.1; ; 2020-04-04 18:26:10 UTC; windows
RemoteType: github
RemoteHost: https://api.github.com
RemoteRepo: r4ss
RemoteUsername: r4ss
RemoteRef: master
RemoteSha: e9ac4aa64bcd376f4afe8052a394a29da9dc8cf2

Starting time of model: Sat May 30 16:11:53 2020

Warnings (from file warnings.sso):

#Foreign copyrights may apply. See copyright.txt for more information.
Sat May 30 16:11:52 2020

setting in starter does not request all priors, and 25 parameters have priors and are not estimated, so their prior not included in obj_fun.
 Early recdev biasadj is >2 times ratio of rmse to sigmaR
 Early recdev biasadj is >2 times ratio of rmse to sigmaR
Number_of_active_parameters_on_or_near_bounds: 5
 N warnings: 4