
Length comps, whole catch, A1-LL-n.

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt1mkt0.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A1-LL-n (max=1.06)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt1mkt0.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A1-LL-n
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt1mkt0.png

Mean length for A1-LL-n with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A1-LL-n:
9.956 (6.5788-50.0882)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A1-LL-n.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-LL-n (plot 1 of 5).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt2mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-LL-n (plot 2 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt2mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-LL-n (plot 3 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt2mkt0_page3.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-LL-n (plot 4 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt2mkt0_page4.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-LL-n (plot 5 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt2mkt0_page5.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A2-LL-n (max=5.64) (plot 5 of 5)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt2mkt0_page5.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A2-LL-n
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt2mkt0.png

Mean length for A2-LL-n with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A2-LL-n:
1.0096 (0.7401-1.5724)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A2-LL-n.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-LL-n (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt3mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-LL-n (plot 2 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt3mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-LL-n (plot 3 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt3mkt0_page3.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A3-LL-n (max=7.02) (plot 3 of 3)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt3mkt0_page3.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A3-LL-n
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt3mkt0.png

Mean length for A3-LL-n with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A3-LL-n:
1.016 (0.6905-1.7416)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A3-LL-n.png

Length comps, whole catch, A4-LL-n (plot 1 of 5).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt4mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A4-LL-n (plot 2 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt4mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, A4-LL-n (plot 3 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt4mkt0_page3.png

Length comps, whole catch, A4-LL-n (plot 4 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt4mkt0_page4.png

Length comps, whole catch, A4-LL-n (plot 5 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt4mkt0_page5.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A4-LL-n (max=6.98) (plot 5 of 5)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt4mkt0_page5.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A4-LL-n
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt4mkt0.png

Mean length for A4-LL-n with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A4-LL-n:
0.9701 (0.7624-1.344)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A4-LL-n.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-LL-n (plot 1 of 5).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt5mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-LL-n (plot 2 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt5mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-LL-n (plot 3 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt5mkt0_page3.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-LL-n (plot 4 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt5mkt0_page4.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-LL-n (plot 5 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt5mkt0_page5.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A5-LL-n (max=2.87) (plot 5 of 5)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt5mkt0_page5.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A5-LL-n
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt5mkt0.png

Mean length for A5-LL-n with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A5-LL-n:
0.9914 (0.6944-1.5476)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A5-LL-n.png

Length comps, whole catch, A6-LL-n (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt6mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A6-LL-n (plot 2 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt6mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, A6-LL-n (plot 3 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt6mkt0_page3.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A6-LL-n (max=16.95) (plot 3 of 3)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt6mkt0_page3.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A6-LL-n
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt6mkt0.png

Mean length for A6-LL-n with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A6-LL-n:
1.0109 (0.7189-1.6993)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A6-LL-n.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-OBJ (plot 1 of 5).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt13mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-OBJ (plot 2 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt13mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-OBJ (plot 3 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt13mkt0_page3.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-OBJ (plot 4 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt13mkt0_page4.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-OBJ (plot 5 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt13mkt0_page5.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A2-OBJ (max=2.86) (plot 5 of 5)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt13mkt0_page5.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A2-OBJ
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt13mkt0.png

Mean length for A2-OBJ with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A2-OBJ:
0.9782 (0.5343-2.3653)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A2-OBJ.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-OBJ (plot 1 of 5).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt14mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-OBJ (plot 2 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt14mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-OBJ (plot 3 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt14mkt0_page3.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-OBJ (plot 4 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt14mkt0_page4.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-OBJ (plot 5 of 5)
file: comp_lenfit_flt14mkt0_page5.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A3-OBJ (max=3.69) (plot 5 of 5)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt14mkt0_page5.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A3-OBJ
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt14mkt0.png

Mean length for A3-OBJ with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A3-OBJ:
1.0075 (0.7136-1.5187)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A3-OBJ.png

Length comps, whole catch, A4-OBJ.

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt15mkt0.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A4-OBJ (max=11.08)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt15mkt0.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A4-OBJ
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt15mkt0.png

Mean length for A4-OBJ with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A4-OBJ:
0.9856 (0.5782-2.8371)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A4-OBJ.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-OBJ (plot 1 of 4).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt16mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-OBJ (plot 2 of 4)
file: comp_lenfit_flt16mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-OBJ (plot 3 of 4)
file: comp_lenfit_flt16mkt0_page3.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-OBJ (plot 4 of 4)
file: comp_lenfit_flt16mkt0_page4.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A5-OBJ (max=3.87) (plot 4 of 4)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt16mkt0_page4.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A5-OBJ
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt16mkt0.png

Mean length for A5-OBJ with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A5-OBJ:
2.0265 (1.3541-3.8491)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A5-OBJ.png

Length comps, whole catch, A6-OBJ (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt17mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A6-OBJ (plot 2 of 2)
file: comp_lenfit_flt17mkt0_page2.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A6-OBJ (max=3.85) (plot 2 of 2)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt17mkt0_page2.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A6-OBJ
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt17mkt0.png

Mean length for A6-OBJ with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A6-OBJ:
0.978 (0.5533-2.6184)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A6-OBJ.png

Length comps, whole catch, A2-NOADEL.

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt19mkt0.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A2-NOADEL (max=1.27)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt19mkt0.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A2-NOADEL
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt19mkt0.png

Mean length for A2-NOADEL with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A2-NOADEL:
1.9527 (1.1274-112.4256)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A2-NOADEL.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-NOADEL (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt20mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, A3-NOADEL (plot 2 of 2)
file: comp_lenfit_flt20mkt0_page2.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A3-NOADEL (max=5.16) (plot 2 of 2)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt20mkt0_page2.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A3-NOADEL
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt20mkt0.png

Mean length for A3-NOADEL with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A3-NOADEL:
1.0027 (0.7088-1.908)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A3-NOADEL.png

Length comps, whole catch, A5-NOADEL.

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt22mkt0.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, A5-NOADEL (max=3.27)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt22mkt0.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, A5-NOADEL
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt22mkt0.png

Mean length for A5-NOADEL with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from A5-NOADEL:
0.9922 (0.9922-Inf)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_A5-NOADEL.png

Length comps, aggregated across time by fleet.
Labels 'retained' and 'discard' indicate discarded or retained sampled for each fleet. Panels without this designation represent the whole catch.
file: comp_lenfit__aggregated_across_time.png

Pearson residuals, comparing across fleets (plot 1 of 4)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit__page1_multi-fleet_comparison.png

Pearson residuals, comparing across fleets (plot 2 of 4)
file: comp_lenfit__page2_multi-fleet_comparison.png

Pearson residuals, comparing across fleets (plot 3 of 4)
file: comp_lenfit__page3_multi-fleet_comparison.png

Pearson residuals, comparing across fleets (plot 4 of 4)
file: comp_lenfit__page4_multi-fleet_comparison.png

Size comps, whole catch, EPO-LL-survey-late (plot 1 of 5).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_sizefit_flt24mkt0_page1.png

Size comps, whole catch, EPO-LL-survey-late (plot 2 of 5)
file: comp_sizefit_flt24mkt0_page2.png

Size comps, whole catch, EPO-LL-survey-late (plot 3 of 5)
file: comp_sizefit_flt24mkt0_page3.png

Size comps, whole catch, EPO-LL-survey-late (plot 4 of 5)
file: comp_sizefit_flt24mkt0_page4.png

Size comps, whole catch, EPO-LL-survey-late (plot 5 of 5)
file: comp_sizefit_flt24mkt0_page5.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, EPO-LL-survey-late (max=3.15) (plot 5 of 5)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_sizefit_residsflt24mkt0_page5.png

N-EffN comparison, Size comps, whole catch, EPO-LL-survey-late
file: comp_sizefit_sampsize_flt24mkt0.png

Mean size for EPO-LL-survey-late with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for size data from EPO-LL-survey-late:
0.9756 (0.6714-1.6262)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_sizefit_data_weighting_TA1.8_EPO-LL-survey-late.png

Size comps, aggregated across time by fleet.
Labels 'retained' and 'discard' indicate discarded or retained sampled for each fleet. Panels without this designation represent the whole catch.
file: comp_sizefit__aggregated_across_time.png