
Age comps, whole catch, F18-DEL_C.

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Iannelli tuning method.
file: comp_agefit_flt18mkt0.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F18-DEL_C (max=32.18)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_agefit_residsflt18mkt0.png

N-EffN comparison, Age comps, whole catch, F18-DEL_C
file: comp_agefit_sampsize_flt18mkt0.png

Mean age for F18-DEL_C with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: too few points to calculate adjustments.

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138.

file: comp_agefit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F18-DEL_C.png

Age comps, aggregated across time by fleet.
Labels 'retained' and 'discard' indicate discarded or retained sampled for each fleet. Panels without this designation represent the whole catch.
file: comp_agefit__aggregated_across_time.png

Pearson residuals, comparing across fleets
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_agefit__multi-fleet_comparison.png