
SS version:;_2020_03_26;_Stock_Synthesis_by_Richard_Methot_(NOAA)_using_ADMB_12.0

r4ss info:
Version: 1.38.2
Date: NULL
Built: R 3.6.3; ; 2020-07-20 23:09:03 UTC; windows
RemoteType: github
RemoteHost: api.github.com
RemoteRepo: r4ss
RemoteUsername: r4ss
RemoteRef: development
RemoteSha: 38bf899b49c686687955e18e2dbfb0b0f27fd184

Starting time of model: Mon Jul 20 19:25:05 2020

EPO Yellowfin Tuna 2020 Benchmark Assessment

Atún aleta amarilla OPO Evaluación de Referencia 2020

Model/Modelo: TBM.GRO h = 1

The assessment was conducted using Stock Synthesis (SS). These web pages provide information created automatically by the R4SS program. They also provide the SS output files and files used to run the stock assessment. The information contained in these web pages and files, or any content derived from them, should not be publically redistributed without the permission of the IATTC.

IATTC yellowfin tuna benchmark assessment document

CIAT atún aleta amarilla evaluación de referencia

The SS output is also available as a pdf

SS model files in zip archive

SS output files in zip archive

Warnings (from file warnings.sso):

#Foreign copyrights may apply. See copyright.txt for more information.
Mon Jul 20 19:25:01 2020

note: Std_yrmax=-1 in starter, so no variance output for forecast quantities after endyr+1 
setting in starter does not request all priors, and 48 parameters have priors and are not estimated, so their prior not included in obj_fun.
 Main recdev biasadj is >2 times ratio of rmse to sigmaR
 Early recdev biasadj is >2 times ratio of rmse to sigmaR
Final gradient: 3.44933 is larger than final_conv: 0.0001
 Main recdev biasadj is >2 times ratio of rmse to sigmaR
 Early recdev biasadj is >2 times ratio of rmse to sigmaR
Reminder: Number of lamdas !=0.0 and !=1.0:  12
Number_of_active_parameters_on_or_near_bounds: 1
 N warnings: 9