
Selectivity at length for multiple fleets.
file: sel01_multiple_fleets_length1.png

Selectivity at age for multiple fleets.
file: sel02_multiple_fleets_age1.png

Selectivity at age derived from selectivity at length for multiple fleets.
file: sel02_multiple_fleets_age2.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-n-A1
file: sel09_len_flt1sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-n-A1
file: sel09_len_flt1sex2.png

Surface plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A2
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt2sex1.png

Countour plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A2
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt2sex1.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-n-A2
file: sel09_len_flt2sex1.png

Surface plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A2
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt2sex2.png

Countour plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A2
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt2sex2.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-n-A2
file: sel09_len_flt2sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-n-A3
file: sel09_len_flt3sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-n-A3
file: sel09_len_flt3sex2.png

Surface plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A4
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt4sex1.png

Countour plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A4
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt4sex1.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-n-A4
file: sel09_len_flt4sex1.png

Surface plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A4
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt4sex2.png

Countour plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A4
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt4sex2.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-n-A4
file: sel09_len_flt4sex2.png

Surface plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A5
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt5sex1.png

Countour plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A5
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt5sex1.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-n-A5
file: sel09_len_flt5sex1.png

Surface plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A5
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt5sex2.png

Countour plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-n-A5
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt5sex2.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-n-A5
file: sel09_len_flt5sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-n-A6
file: sel09_len_flt6sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-n-A6
file: sel09_len_flt6sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-n-A7
file: sel09_len_flt7sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-n-A7
file: sel09_len_flt7sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-w-A1
file: sel09_len_flt8sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-w-A1
file: sel09_len_flt8sex2.png

Surface plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A2
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt9sex1.png

Countour plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A2
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt9sex1.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-w-A2
file: sel09_len_flt9sex1.png

Surface plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A2
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt9sex2.png

Countour plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A2
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt9sex2.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-w-A2
file: sel09_len_flt9sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-w-A3
file: sel09_len_flt10sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-w-A3
file: sel09_len_flt10sex2.png

Surface plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A4
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt11sex1.png

Countour plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A4
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt11sex1.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-w-A4
file: sel09_len_flt11sex1.png

Surface plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A4
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt11sex2.png

Countour plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A4
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt11sex2.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-w-A4
file: sel09_len_flt11sex2.png

Surface plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A5
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt12sex1.png

Countour plot of Female time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A5
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt12sex1.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-w-A5
file: sel09_len_flt12sex1.png

Surface plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A5
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt12sex2.png

Countour plot of Male time-varying selectivity for LL-w-A5
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt12sex2.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-w-A5
file: sel09_len_flt12sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-w-A6
file: sel09_len_flt13sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-w-A6
file: sel09_len_flt13sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-w-A7
file: sel09_len_flt14sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-w-A7
file: sel09_len_flt14sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for OBJ-A1
file: sel09_len_flt15sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for OBJ-A1
file: sel09_len_flt15sex2.png

Surface plot of Female time-varying selectivity for OBJ-A2
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt16sex1.png

Countour plot of Female time-varying selectivity for OBJ-A2
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt16sex1.png

Female ending year selectivity for OBJ-A2
file: sel09_len_flt16sex1.png

Surface plot of Male time-varying selectivity for OBJ-A2
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt16sex2.png

Countour plot of Male time-varying selectivity for OBJ-A2
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt16sex2.png

Male ending year selectivity for OBJ-A2
file: sel09_len_flt16sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for OBJ-A3
file: sel09_len_flt17sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for OBJ-A3
file: sel09_len_flt17sex2.png

Surface plot of Female time-varying selectivity for OBJ-A4
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt18sex1.png

Countour plot of Female time-varying selectivity for OBJ-A4
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt18sex1.png

Female ending year selectivity for OBJ-A4
file: sel09_len_flt18sex1.png

Surface plot of Male time-varying selectivity for OBJ-A4
file: sel03_len_timevary_surf_flt18sex2.png

Countour plot of Male time-varying selectivity for OBJ-A4
file: sel04_len_timevary_contour_flt18sex2.png

Male ending year selectivity for OBJ-A4
file: sel09_len_flt18sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for OBJ-A5
file: sel09_len_flt19sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for OBJ-A5
file: sel09_len_flt19sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for NOA-A1
file: sel09_len_flt21sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for NOA-A1
file: sel09_len_flt21sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for NOA-A2
file: sel09_len_flt22sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for NOA-A2
file: sel09_len_flt22sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for LL-Survey
file: sel09_len_flt23sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for LL-Survey
file: sel09_len_flt23sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity for OBJ-Disc
file: sel14_age_flt20sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity for OBJ-Disc
file: sel14_age_flt20sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A1
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt1sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A1
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt1sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A2
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt2sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A2
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt2sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A3
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt3sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A3
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt3sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A4
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt4sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A4
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt4sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A5
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt5sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A5
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt5sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A6
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt6sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A6
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt6sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A7
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt7sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-n-A7
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt7sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A1
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt8sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A1
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt8sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A2
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt9sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A2
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt9sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A3
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt10sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A3
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt10sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A4
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt11sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A4
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt11sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A5
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt12sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A5
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt12sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A6
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt13sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A6
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt13sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A7
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt14sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-w-A7
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt14sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A1
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt15sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A1
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt15sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A2
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt16sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A2
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt16sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A3
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt17sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A3
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt17sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A4
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt18sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A4
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt18sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A5
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt19sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for OBJ-A5
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt19sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for NOA-A1
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt21sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for NOA-A1
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt21sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for NOA-A2
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt22sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for NOA-A2
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt22sex2.png

Female ending year selectivity and growth for LL-Survey
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt23sex1.png

Male ending year selectivity and growth for LL-Survey
file: sel21_agelen_contour_flt23sex2.png