IATTC Bigeye Tuna 2024 Benchmark Assessment

Model: Mrt-1.02-0.9

The assessment was conducted using Stock Synthesis (SS). These web pages provide information created automatically by the R4SS program. They also provide the SS output files and files used to run the stock assessment. The information contained in these web pages and files, or any content derived from them, should not be publically redistributed without the permission of the IATTC.

The SS files are available here

Warnings (from file warnings.sso):


SS version: 3.30.22.beta: not an official version of SS;_fast(opt);_compile_date:_Apr 25 2024;_Stock_Synthesis_by_Richard_Methot_(NOAA)_using_ADMB_13.1

r4ss info:
Version: 1.49.2
Date: NULL
Built: R 4.2.2; ; 2024-04-11 20:01:06 UTC; windows
RemoteType: github
RemoteHost: api.github.com
RemoteRepo: r4ss
RemoteUsername: r4ss
RemoteRef: HEAD
RemoteSha: a7a891ee1c4710cd38dab90ff6933c41ada48786

Starting time of model: Fri May 10 01:03:32 2024

Warnings (from file warnings.sso):

Note 1 Information: new feature for multiyr F_std reporting, be sure STD reporting covers all years from styr to endyr
Warning 1 Adjustment: ALK tolerance is now deprecated and is set to 0
Note 2 Information: Max data length bin: 198  < max pop len bins: 220; so will accumulate larger pop len bins
Warning 2 : Setting in starter does not request all priors, and 2 parameters have priors and are not estimated, so their prior not included in obj_fun.
Warning 3 : Final gradient: 0.003703 is larger than final_conv: 0.0001
Note 3 Information: A revised protocol for the Fcast_yr specification is available and recommended.
Note 4 Information:  N parameters that are on or within 1% of min-max bound: 2; check results, variance may be suspect
 3 warnings  and 4 notes