The assessment was conducted using Stock Synthesis (SS). These web pages provide information created automatically by the R4SS program. They also provide the SS output files and files used to run the stock assessment. The information contained in these web pages and files, or any content derived from them, should not be publically redistributed without the permission of the IATTC.
IATTC bigeye tuna stock assessment document
The SS output is also available as a pdf
SS output files in zip archive
SS version: SS-V3.23b-safe-win64;_11/05/2011;_Stock_Synthesis_by_Richard_Methot_(NOAA)_using_ADMB_10
Starting time of model: Tue Apr 18 16:10:36 2017
Warnings (from file warnings.sso):
Early recdev biasadj is >2 times ratio of rmse to sigmaR Early recdev biasadj is >2 times ratio of rmse to sigmaR N warnings: 2 Number_of_active_parameters_on_or_near_bounds: 0