Spawning output
file: ts7_Spawning_output.png
Spawning output with ~95% asymptotic intervals
file: ts7_Spawning_output_with_95_asymptotic_intervals_intervals.png
Relative spawning output: B/B_0
file: ts9_Relative_spawning_output:_B_per_B_0.png
Relative spawning output: B/B_0 with ~95% asymptotic intervals
file: ts9_Relative_spawning_output:_B_per_B_0_with_95_asymptotic_intervals_intervals.png
Total biomass (mt)
file: ts1_Total_biomass_(mt).png
Summary biomass (mt)
file: ts4_Summary_biomass_(mt).png
Age-0 recruits (1,000s)
file: ts11_Age-0_recruits_(1000s).png
Age-0 recruits (1,000s) with ~95% asymptotic intervals
file: ts11_Age-0_recruits_(1000s)_with_95_asymptotic_intervals.png
Summary F (definition of F depends on setting in
file: ts_summaryF.png
Dynamic B0 plot. The lower line shows the time series of estimated Spawning output in the presence of fishing mortality. The upper line shows the time series that could occur under the same dynamics (including deviations in recruitment), but without fishing. The point at the left represents the unfished equilibrium.
file: ts_DynamicB0.png