
Length at age in the beginning of the year (or season) in the ending year of the model. Shaded area indicates 95% distribution of length at age around estimated growth curve.
Length at age in the beginning of the year (or season) in the ending year of the model. Shaded area indicates 95% distribution of length at age around estimated growth curve.
file: bio1_sizeatage.png

Length at age (top-left panel) with CV (thick line) and SD (thin line) of length at age shown in top-right and lower-left panels
Length at age (top-left panel) with CV (thick line) and SD (thin line) of length at age shown in top-right and lower-left panels
file: bio2_sizeatage_plus_CV_and_SD.png

Length at age (top-left panel) with weight (thick line) and maturity (thin line) shown in top-right and lower-left panels
Length at age (top-left panel) with weight (thick line) and maturity (thin line) shown in top-right and lower-left panels
file: bio3_sizeatage_plus_WT_and_MAT.png

Distribution of length at age for seas: 1 sub_seas: 1 morph: 1
Distribution of length at age for seas: 1 sub_seas: 1 morph: 1
file: bio1B_len_at_age_matrix_1.png

Distribution of length at age for seas: 1 sub_seas: 2 morph: 1
Distribution of length at age for seas: 1 sub_seas: 2 morph: 1
file: bio1B_len_at_age_matrix_2.png

Weight-length relationship
Weight-length relationship
file: bio5_weightatsize.png

Maturity at age
Maturity at age
file: bio6_maturity.png

file: bio7_fecundity.png

Fecundity as a function of weight
Fecundity as a function of weight
file: bio8_fecundity_wt.png

Fecundity as a function of length
Fecundity as a function of length
file: bio9_fecundity_len.png

Spawning output at length. This is the product of maturity and fecundity unless maturity is age-based, in which case only fecundity is represented.
Spawning output at length. This is the product of maturity and fecundity unless maturity is age-based, in which case only fecundity is represented.
file: bio10_spawningoutput_len.png

Spawning output at age. This is the product of maturity and fecundity. When these processes are length-based they are converted into the age dimension using the matrix of length at age.
Spawning output at age. This is the product of maturity and fecundity. When these processes are length-based they are converted into the age dimension using the matrix of length at age.
file: bio11_spawningoutput_age.png