
Length comps, aggregated across time by fleet.
Length comps, aggregated across time by fleet.
Labels 'retained' and 'discard' indicate discarded or retained sampled for each fleet. Panels without this designation represent the whole catch.
file: comp_lenfit__aggregated_across_time.png

Pearson residuals,  comparing across fleets (plot 1 of 2)
Pearson residuals, comparing across fleets (plot 1 of 2)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit__page1_multi-fleet_comparison.png

Pearson residuals,  comparing across fleets (plot 2 of 2)
Pearson residuals, comparing across fleets (plot 2 of 2)
file: comp_lenfit__page2_multi-fleet_comparison.png

Length comps, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt1mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt1mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3) (plot 3 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt1mkt0_page3.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS (max=8.98) (plot 3 of 3)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS (max=8.98) (plot 3 of 3)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt1mkt0_page3.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F1-OBJ_OS
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt1mkt0.png

Mean length for F1-OBJ_OS with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F1-OBJ_OS with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F1-OBJ_OS:
0.276 (0.1951-0.464)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F1-OBJ_OS.png

Length comps, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt2mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt2mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3) (plot 3 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt2mkt0_page3.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth (max=9.33) (plot 3 of 3)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth (max=9.33) (plot 3 of 3)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt2mkt0_page3.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F2-OBJ_Nth
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt2mkt0.png

Mean length for F2-OBJ_Nth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F2-OBJ_Nth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F2-OBJ_Nth:
0.4491 (0.3243-0.6856)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F2-OBJ_Nth.png

Length comps, whole catch, F3-OBJ_Sth (plot 1 of 2).
Length comps, whole catch, F3-OBJ_Sth (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt3mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, F3-OBJ_Sth (plot 1 of 2).
Length comps, whole catch, F3-OBJ_Sth (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 2)
file: comp_lenfit_flt3mkt0_page2.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F3-OBJ_Sth (max=8.75) (plot 2 of 2)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F3-OBJ_Sth (max=8.75) (plot 2 of 2)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt3mkt0_page2.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F3-OBJ_Sth
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F3-OBJ_Sth
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt3mkt0.png

Mean length for F3-OBJ_Sth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F3-OBJ_Sth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F3-OBJ_Sth:
0.6147 (0.445-0.9793)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F3-OBJ_Sth.png

Length comps, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt4mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt4mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3) (plot 3 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt4mkt0_page3.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast (max=12.27) (plot 3 of 3)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast (max=12.27) (plot 3 of 3)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt4mkt0_page3.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F4-OBJ_Coast
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt4mkt0.png

Mean length for F4-OBJ_Coast with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F4-OBJ_Coast with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F4-OBJ_Coast:
0.3791 (0.2939-0.566)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F4-OBJ_Coast.png

Length comps, whole catch, F5-NOA_OS.
Length comps, whole catch, F5-NOA_OS.

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt5mkt0.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F5-NOA_OS (max=6.86)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F5-NOA_OS (max=6.86)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt5mkt0.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F5-NOA_OS
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F5-NOA_OS
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt5mkt0.png

Mean length for F5-NOA_OS with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F5-NOA_OS with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F5-NOA_OS:
0.1196 (0.0578-0.6326)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F5-NOA_OS.png

Length comps, whole catch, F6-NOA_Nth (plot 1 of 2).
Length comps, whole catch, F6-NOA_Nth (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt6mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, F6-NOA_Nth (plot 1 of 2).
Length comps, whole catch, F6-NOA_Nth (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 2)
file: comp_lenfit_flt6mkt0_page2.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F6-NOA_Nth (max=4.23) (plot 2 of 2)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F6-NOA_Nth (max=4.23) (plot 2 of 2)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt6mkt0_page2.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F6-NOA_Nth
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F6-NOA_Nth
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt6mkt0.png

Mean length for F6-NOA_Nth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F6-NOA_Nth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F6-NOA_Nth:
0.1617 (0.1104-0.3407)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F6-NOA_Nth.png

Length comps, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt7mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt7mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3) (plot 3 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt7mkt0_page3.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt (max=15.45) (plot 3 of 3)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt (max=15.45) (plot 3 of 3)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt7mkt0_page3.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F7-NOA_Cnt
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt7mkt0.png

Mean length for F7-NOA_Cnt with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F7-NOA_Cnt with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F7-NOA_Cnt:
0.2925 (0.225-0.4086)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F7-NOA_Cnt.png

Length comps, whole catch, F8-NOA_Coast (plot 1 of 2).
Length comps, whole catch, F8-NOA_Coast (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt8mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, F8-NOA_Coast (plot 1 of 2).
Length comps, whole catch, F8-NOA_Coast (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 2)
file: comp_lenfit_flt8mkt0_page2.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F8-NOA_Coast (max=54.8) (plot 2 of 2)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F8-NOA_Coast (max=54.8) (plot 2 of 2)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt8mkt0_page2.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F8-NOA_Coast
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F8-NOA_Coast
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt8mkt0.png

Mean length for F8-NOA_Coast with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F8-NOA_Coast with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F8-NOA_Coast:
0.1759 (0.1196-0.3323)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F8-NOA_Coast.png

Length comps, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt9mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt9mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3) (plot 3 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt9mkt0_page3.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth (max=63.91) (plot 3 of 3)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth (max=63.91) (plot 3 of 3)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt9mkt0_page3.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F9-DEL_Nth
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt9mkt0.png

Mean length for F9-DEL_Nth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F9-DEL_Nth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F9-DEL_Nth:
0.0534 (0.041-0.078)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F9-DEL_Nth.png

Length comps, whole catch, F10-DEL_Sth.
Length comps, whole catch, F10-DEL_Sth.

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt10mkt0.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F10-DEL_Sth (max=12.56)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F10-DEL_Sth (max=12.56)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt10mkt0.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F10-DEL_Sth
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, F10-DEL_Sth
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt10mkt0.png

Mean length for F10-DEL_Sth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for F10-DEL_Sth with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from F10-DEL_Sth:
0.3956 (0.2652-0.8657)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F10-DEL_Sth.png

Length comps, whole catch, S1-OBJ (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, S1-OBJ (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt13mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, S1-OBJ (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, S1-OBJ (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt13mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, S1-OBJ (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, S1-OBJ (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3) (plot 3 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt13mkt0_page3.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, S1-OBJ (max=5.82) (plot 3 of 3)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, S1-OBJ (max=5.82) (plot 3 of 3)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt13mkt0_page3.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, S1-OBJ
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, S1-OBJ
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt13mkt0.png

Mean length for S1-OBJ with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for S1-OBJ with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from S1-OBJ:
0.3429 (0.2454-0.5209)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_S1-OBJ.png

Length comps, whole catch, S2-NOA (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, S2-NOA (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_lenfit_flt14mkt0_page1.png

Length comps, whole catch, S2-NOA (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, S2-NOA (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt14mkt0_page2.png

Length comps, whole catch, S2-NOA (plot 1 of 3).
Length comps, whole catch, S2-NOA (plot 1 of 3).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 3) (plot 3 of 3)
file: comp_lenfit_flt14mkt0_page3.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, S2-NOA (max=20.03) (plot 3 of 3)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, S2-NOA (max=20.03) (plot 3 of 3)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_lenfit_residsflt14mkt0_page3.png

N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, S2-NOA
N-EffN comparison, Length comps, whole catch, S2-NOA
file: comp_lenfit_sampsize_flt14mkt0.png

Mean length for S2-NOA with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean length for S2-NOA with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for len data from S2-NOA:
0.1946 (0.1374-0.3191)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_lenfit_data_weighting_TA1.8_S2-NOA.png

Size comps, aggregated across time by fleet.
Size comps, aggregated across time by fleet.
Labels 'retained' and 'discard' indicate discarded or retained sampled for each fleet. Panels without this designation represent the whole catch.
file: comp_sizefit__aggregated_across_time.png

Size comps, whole catch, F12-LL (plot 1 of 2).
Size comps, whole catch, F12-LL (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method.
file: comp_sizefit_flt12mkt0_page1.png

Size comps, whole catch, F12-LL (plot 1 of 2).
Size comps, whole catch, F12-LL (plot 1 of 2).

'N adj.' is the input sample size after data-weighting adjustment. N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method. (plot 2 of 2)
file: comp_sizefit_flt12mkt0_page2.png

Pearson residuals, whole catch, F12-LL (max=49.77) (plot 2 of 2)
Pearson residuals, whole catch, F12-LL (max=49.77) (plot 2 of 2)
Closed bubbles are positive residuals (observed > expected) and open bubbles are negative residuals (observed < expected).
file: comp_sizefit_residsflt12mkt0_page2.png

N-EffN comparison, Size comps, whole catch, F12-LL
N-EffN comparison, Size comps, whole catch, F12-LL
file: comp_sizefit_sampsize_flt12mkt0.png

Mean size for F12-LL with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Mean size for F12-LL with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for size data from F12-LL:
0.0473 (0.028-0.1192)

For more info, see

Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138. https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025

file: comp_sizefit_data_weighting_TA1.8_F12-LL.png