Timeseries of SPR. Horizontal line is at SPR at MSY: 0.213
Timeseries of SPR. Horizontal line is at SPR at MSY: 0.213
file: SPR1_series.png

Timeseries of 1-SPR. Horizontal line is at 1 - SPR at MSY: 1 - 0.213 = 0.787
Timeseries of 1-SPR. Horizontal line is at 1 - SPR at MSY: 1 - 0.213 = 0.787
file: SPR2_minusSPRseries.png

Timeseries of SPR ratio: (1-SPR)/(1-SPR_MSY)
Timeseries of SPR ratio: (1-SPR)/(1-SPR_MSY)
file: SPR3_ratiointerval.png