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  4. Participate in south EPO blue shark assessment
Proyecto H.7.d - Participate in south EPO blue shark assessment

01 ene. 2022 - 31 dic. 2026

Staff participation in development of the south Pacific blue shark assessment
Understand the assessment results, and communicate them to the Commission
The assessment is for blue shark in the south Pacific covered by both the IATTC and the CPPS
The IATTC staff provides data and advice for the assessment
Importancia para la ordenación
The IATTC uses the results of the assessment to provide management advice
5 years: 2022-2026
Plan de trabajo y estatus
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the IATTC and the CPPS for the mutual goal of doing a stock assessment for the blue shark in the south EPO, the following activities are planned, they will be implemented by CPPS with assistance from the IATTC staff:
2022 – Coordination meeting (September 2022)
2023 – Workshop about the fisheries for blue shark
2024 – Workshop on the conceptual model for blue shark and data
2025 – Workshop on stock assessment of blue shark
2026 – Workshop on management strategy evaluation
Colaboradores externos
Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur (CPPS), the focal point is Dr. Patricio Barría (IFOP-Chile), chair of the Comité Científico y Técnico PAR-Tiburón
Report to SAC meetings