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Cumulative catches

Cumulative catch by species and by fishing gear from purse seine vessels

Catch year: 2025
Yearly report no: 1

Preliminary estimates of the retained catches of tunas in the EPO for the period 01 January - 02 February 2025, by species and vessel flag, in metric tons.

  • Flag Yellowfin Skipjack Bigeye Pacific bluefin Bonitos Albacore Black skipjack Other Total Percentage of total
    Ecuador ECU 7,448 24,064 2,270 57 22 33,861 49.6
    Mexico MEX 13,316 794 900 15,010 22
    Other OTR 1,847 7,035 566 3 6 9,457 13.9
    Panama PAN 1,646 6,602 498 8,746 12.8
    Venezuela VEN 512 619 3 1,134 1.7
    Total 24,769 39,114 3,337 900 0 0 60 28 68,208

    Other flags include Colombia, United States, Nicaragua, El Salvador; this category is used to avoid revealing the operations of individual vessels or companies.

  • Species 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
    ALB ALB 0 0 0 0 0
    BET BET 2,089 1,258 2,966 819 3,337
    BKJ BKJ 0 3 28 11 60
    BZX BZX 0 0 0 0 0
    OTH OTH 0 0 44 22 28
    PBF PBF 3,026 3,181 3,400 1,999 900
    SKJ SKJ 16,992 11,426 22,230 29,404 39,114
    YFT YFT 16,584 14,052 11,069 8,970 24,769
    Total 38,691 29,920 39,737 41,225 68,208

    Other species may include other tunas, mackerel, sharks and miscellaneous fishes.