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Dolphin safe

The first objective of the Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program (AIDCP) is to reduce incidental dolphin mortalities in the purse-seine fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean to levels approaching zero. This Agreement and its predecessor, the 1992 La Jolla Agreement, have been spectacularly successful in meeting this objective, as shown by the reduction in mortality of dolphins incidental to fishing. (see Table)

During 2022 96% of all sets made on tuna associated with dolphins were accomplished with no mortality or serious injury to the dolphins. Furthermore, the total mortality of dolphins in the fishery has been reduced from about 132,000 in 1986 to 965 in 2022.


The Tuna Tracking System established under the AIDCP tracks the tuna caught in each set from the time it is captured until it is unloaded. Tuna caught in sets in which dolphins are not killed or seriously injured is defined as "dolphin-safe".  

Previous procedures & guidelines (for reference)