International Tuna Research and Management Organizations
Tuna-org: Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and BodiesCCSBT: Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
FFA: Forum Fisheries Agency
ICCAT: International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
IOTC: Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
ISC: International Scientific Committee for tuna and tuna-like species in the North Pacific Ocean
SPC OFP: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (Oceanic Fisheries Programme)
WCPFC: Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
Information and data
FIRMS: The Fisheries and Resources Monitoring SystemFIRMS Global Tuna Atlas: Browse catch statistics of tuna and tuna-like species around the world
CWP: Coordinated Working Party on Fishery Statistics
United Nations
FAO: Food and Agriculture OrganizationDOALOS: Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
National Programs
FUNDATUN: Fundación para la Pesca Sostenida y Responsable de Túnidos (Venezuela)FIDEMAR: Fideicomiso de investigación para el desarrollo del programa nacional de aprovechamiento del atún y protección de delfines y otros en torno a especies acuáticas protegidas
IEO: El Instituto Español de Oceanografía
TTV: United States Tuna Tracking and Verification program
CAPAM Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment MethodologyInternational Tuna Conference
Smart fishing gear competition