Reports and provision of data as required by the current resolutions
The information presented below are the requirements for the provision of data during the current year, with a reference to the respective deadlines. Users are encouraged to refer to the IATTC Resolutions in force located at Resolutions | IATTC for detailed information required from Members and Cooperating Non-Members that may not be fully detailed in the list due to space limitations.
Report Resolution Information Request Due Date Email Format Who Required INF. in website Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document Program C-03-01 CPCs which import bigeye tuna shall report the data collected by the Program to the Director each year for the period of July 1 - December 31 of the preceding year and October 1 for the period of January 1 - June 30 of the current year.
CPCs which export bigeye tuna shall examine export data with the import data which are posted in the IATTC Website and report the results to the Commission.Annually, by April 1 and October 1
director@iattc.orgSee Annex 3 CPCs exporting or importing bigeye tuna Bigeye Tuna Statistical Data provision C-03-05 Catch information must be provided to the Director for all vessels fishing for species under the purview of the Commission (paragraph 1, page 1).
The data shall be provided, by species and fishing gear, where practical, via vessel logbooks and unloading records, and otherwise in aggregated form as specified in the Resolution. (paragraph 2, page 1).Annually by June 30
director@iattc.orgNo format
Guide: Specification for data provisionAll CPCs Public Domain Data Regional Vessel Register C-18-06 Each CPC shall notify the Director of all information detailed in paragraph 2 of the Resolution (paragraph 2, pages 1-2).
Each CPC shall also promptly notify the Director of:- any additions to the record;
- any deletions from the record by reason as specified in paragraph 4 (paragraph 4, page 2).
When it occurs No format All CPCs with vessels on the IATTC Regional Vessel Register Vessel Register CPCs shall notify the Director of their vessels on the Regional Vessel Register flying their flag that were actively fishing in the IATTC Convention Area for species covered by the Convention during the previous year (paragraph 5, page 2). Annually, by June 30
director@iattc.orgExamples of vessel lists: Vessel Register CPCs that had purse seiners or longliners operating in the previous year Vessel Register - CONSERVATION MEASURES FOR TROPICAL TUNAS
Report Resolution Information Request Due Date Email Format Who Required INF. in website Reporting on bigeye tuna data catches C-21-04 CPCs shall be responsible for the compilation and submission of the final data on the annual catches of bigeye tuna made by individual vessels flying their flag during the current year and such data shall be reported to the Secretariat (paragraph 6, page 2). By February 15 of the following year
director@iattc.orgExamples of BET catches reports: Bigeye tuna catches CPCs with purse seiners operating in the EPO Bigeye tuna catches CPCs shall ensure that the processing plants data for vessels flying their flags for any fish caught in the IATTC Convention Area be provided to its fisheries authorities in real time, with copy to the IATTC staff (paragraph 8, page 3). Within 10 days from the first day of unloading until the last day of grading by size
director@iattc.orgProcessing plants Measures for longline vessels Longline Fishing Vessels Over 24 Meters C-11-05 Each CPC shall notify the Director of any changes affecting the LSTLFV List at any time they occur (paragraph 2, pages 1-2). As soon as they occur
director@iattc.orgNo format CPC with longliners in the Regional Vessel Register Vessel register Scientific Observers for Longline Vessels C-19-08 CPCs shall submit to the SAC, through the Director, summary reporting and statistics regarding their longline observer programs from the previous calendar year using the format specified in Annex A of the Resolution, including an estimate of the percent observer coverage achieved. CPCs that had longline vessel greater than 20m LOA on the RVR in the previous year, but which were not operational or did not fish for tuna should report such circumstances to the Director in order to clarify that the summary reporting requirements are not applicable. By March 31
director@iattc.orgSee Annex A CPC with longline fishing vessels greater than 20 meters length operating in the EPO CPCs shall to the Director submit their operational longline observer data collected by observers during the previous calendar year, consistent with one of the two sets of Minimum Data Reporting Standards specified in Annex B of the Resolution (paragraph 7, page 2). By June 30
director@iattc.orgSee Annex B Reporting on tuna data catches C-21-04 CPCs whose annual catch of bigeye tuna in their longline fisheries have exceeded 500 metric tons shall provide monthly catch reports (paragraph 30, page 7). Monthly
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with longline vessels operating in the EPO Bigeye tuna catches Transfer of bigeye tuna limit C-21-04 A CPC may make a single transfer of a portion of its bigeye tuna catch limit to other CPCs that also have a bigeye tuna catch limit, provided that the total transferred by any CPC does not exceed 30 percent of its catch limit. Both CPCs involved in a transfer shall, separately or jointly, notify the Director (paragraph 31, page 7). 10 days in advance of the intended transfer
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs making or receiving bigeye tuna catch limit transfers FADS Data on Fish-Aggregating Devices C-19-01 For each FAD interaction, the CPC shall provide the information described in Annex I page 4, including bycatch information associated with the set. Since 2020, observers onboard purse seiners shall be responsible for collecting information on FADs. For purse seiners without observers onboard, the captain shall be responsible for recording FAD information on the FAD form (paragraph 2, page 2). 90 days prior to each regular meeting of the SAC See Annex I CPCs with purse seiners operating in the EPO without an observer Remote FADs activation C-21-04 CPCs shall report, or require their vessels to report, any remote reactivation to the Secretariat using the specific data fields indicated in Annex III (paragraph 21, page 6). At monthly intervals with a time delay of at least 60 days, but no longer than 90 days after the remote reactivation See Annex III CPCs with purse-seine vessels that deploy FADs Reporting on active FADs C-21-04 In order to support the work of the IATTC scientific staff in analyzing the impact of FAD fisheries, while protecting business confidential data, CPCs shall report, or require their vessels to report, daily information on all active FADs to the Secretariat. The information provided shall be identical in form and content to the raw satellite buoy data provided by the buoy manufacturers to the original users (paragraph 24, page 6). At monthly intervals and with a time delay of at least 60 days, but no longer than 90 days See Annex IV CPCs with purse-seine vessels that deploy FADs Tuna closure for purse seine vessels National administrative measures to implement the closure C-21-04 Each CPC shall, for purse-seine fisheries: - Take the legal and administrative measures necessary to implement the closure;
- Inform all interested parties in its tuna industry of the closure;
- Inform the Director that these steps have been taken (paragraph 15, page 5).
Before the date of entry into force of the closure No format All CPCs with class 4 to 6 purse seine vessels operating in the EPO Other reports Additional days of closure C-21-04 For each one of the closure periods stipulated in paragraph 3 of this Resolution, each CPC shall notify the Director the names of all the purse-seine vessels that will observe that closure period, also identifying those that must observer additional closure days pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Resolution (paragraph 13a, page 4). Annually by July 15 No format All CPCs with class 4 to 6 purse seine vessels operating in the EPO Closures of the purse-seine fishery - MEASURES FOR TEMPERATE TUNAS
Report Resolution Information Request Due Date Email Format Who Required INF. in website North Pacific Albacore North Pacific Albacore C-18-03 The CPCs shall report to the Director its annual catch by fishery or fleet (paragraph 1, page 1). By June 30
director@iattc.orgSee Annex A Vessels with direct fish for northern albacore tuna. Historically VUT, USA, KOR, JPN, CAN, and BLZ. Northern albacore tuna catches The CPC shall report to the Director, using the template in Annex B, its annual fishing effort for fisheries targeting North Pacific albacore, reporting its fishing effort in fishing days and number of vessels fishing for (i.e., targeting) North Pacific albacore (paragraph 2, page 2). By June 30 See Annex B Pacific Bluefin Tuna C-21-05 Each CPC shall report sport fishery catches of Pacific bluefin tuna semi-annually to the Director (paragraph 3, page 2). Semi-annually
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with sport fishery catches of Pacific bluefin tuna In each year from 2021-2024, each CPC shall report its commercial catches to the Director weekly after 50% of its annual catch limit in each year is reached. (paragraph 9, page 3). It’s convenient that, during periods of intensive fishing, each CPC reports with greater frequency. Weekly No format CPCs with commercial catch limit: MEX and USA Cumulative catches - BYCATCH MANAGEMENT
Report Resolution Information Request Due Date Email Format Who Required INF. in website Sharks Management of Shark Species C-16-05 CPCs shall require their fishers to collect and submit catch data for silky and hammerhead sharks and shall submit the data to the IATTC in accordance with IATTC data reporting requirements. CPCs shall also record, through observer programs or other means, for purse-seine vessels of all capacity classes, the number and status (dead/alive) of silky sharks and hammerhead sharks caught and released and report it to the IATTC (paragraph 2, page 1-2). By June 30
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with vessels catching these species in the EPO Other reports Conservation of silky sharks C-23-08 CPCs shall report to the Commission information on the percentages of catches of silky sharks less than 100 cm in total length (paragraph 4, page 2). By June 30
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with multi-species fisheries using surface longlines Other reports CPCs shall notify the Director the single period of restricted use of steel leaders which will be observed for the calendar year (paragraph 11, page 3). By October 01 CPCs with vessels using steel leaders CPCs shall notify the IATTC the number and status (dead/alive) of silky sharks caught and released, registered through observer programs and other means, for purse-seine vessels of all capacity classes (paragraph 13, page 3). By June 30 CPCs with vessels catching this species in the EPO Oceanic Whitetip Shark C-11-10 CPCs shall record inter alia, through the observer programs, the number of discards and releases of oceanic whitetip sharks with indication of status (dead or alive) and report it to IATTC (paragraph 3). By June 30
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with vessels catching this species in the EPO Other reports Whale Shark C-19-06 CPCs shall require that, in the event that a whale shark is not deliberately encircled in the purse-seine net, the captain of the vessel shall: a. ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure its safe release; and b. report the incident to the relevant authority of the flag CPC, including the number of individuals, details of how and why the encirclement happened, where it occurred, steps taken to ensure safe release, and an assessment of the life status of the animal(s) on release (including whether any were released alive but subsequently died) (paragraph 2, pages 1-2). By June 30
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with vessels catching this species in the EPO Other reports Shark conserva-tion measures C-05-03 Each CPC shall report data for catches, effort by gear type, landing and trade of sharks by species, where possible, in accordance with IATTC reporting procedures, including available historical data. CPCs shall send to the IATTC Secretariat a comprehensive annual report of the implementation of this Resolution during the previous year. By May 1
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with vessels catching this species in the EPO Other reports Seabirds Seabirds C-11-02 CPCs shall inform the IATTC the mitigation measures that their flag vessels plan to employ (paragraph 5, page 2). By September 01
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with long line vessels interacting with seabirds in the EPO Other reports CPCs shall provide to the IATTC any available information regarding interactions with seabirds involving their flag vessels in the fishery, including bycatches of seabirds and details of seabird species and all relevant information available from observer or other monitoring programs (paragraph 7, page 2). Annually No format Mobulid Rays Conservation of Mobulid Rays C-15-04 CPCs shall record, inter alia through the observer programs, the number of discards and releases of Mobulid rays, indicating the status (dead or alive) and report it to the IATTC, including those surrendered under paragraph 3 (paragraph 4, page 2). Annually
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with purse-seine and longline vessels operating in the EPO.
Exceptions see paragraph 5.Other reports Sea turtles Mitigation of the Impacts on Sea Turtles C-19-04 CPCs shall report to the Director annually the information described in paragraphs 4.a i y ii in a standardized format, unless it is already submitted in accordance with other requirements, such as observer programs (paragraph 4.a i and ii., page 3). By June 30
director@iattc.orgNo format All CPCs with purse seine and longline vessels operating in the EPO Other reports Dorado – Mahi Mahi Dorado C-23-09 CPCs shall collect and submit to the IATTC biological, catch and interaction data, as well as fishing effort data relating to Dolphinfish from their fishing fleets whose catch of this species constitutes more than 5% of their entire annual catch. CPCs are encouraged to collect and submit data from other fleets, where available. Artisanal and recreational fleet data may be reported as total annual catches without data on fishing effort in accordance with Resolution C-03-05 (paragraph 1, page 2). By June 30
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with vessels catching this species in the EPO - COMPLIANCE
Report Resolution Information Request Due Date Email Format Who Required INF. in website Compliance C-22-02 Each CPC shall fill in the questionnaire (Annex 1) and send it back to the Director before the Committee meeting at the latest. Each CPC shall also investigate the possible non-compliance cases and report the results of the investigation back to the Director two months prior to the Committee meeting (paragraph 3c, page 2). Annually, two months prior to the Committee meeting See Annex 1 All CPCs Compliance National Administrative Measures to Implement the Tuna Conservation Resolution National Administrative Measures C-21-04 Each CPC shall submit to the Director a national report on its updated national compliance scheme and actions taken to implement these measures, including any controls it has imposed on its fleets and any monitoring, control, and compliance measures it has established to ensure compliance with such controls. (paragraph 34, page 8). By July 15 No format CPCs with vessels catching tuna species covered by the IATTC Port State Measures Port State Measures C-21-07 Each CPC shall gradually subject foreign fishing vessels below 20 meters length overall, foreign fishing vessels operating under charter as referred to under paragraph 7, and fishing vessels entitled to fly its flag to measures that are at least as effective in combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU)1fishing as measures applied to vessels referred to in paragraph 8. CPCs shall inform the IATTC Director of the application and scope of the measures set out in this paragraph (paragraph 9, page 2). Not defined
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs that give access to foreign vessels to their designated ports and that such vessels have made catches of tuna species covered by the Antigua Convention. Port State Measures
Other reportsEach port CPC wishing to grant access to its ports to foreign fishing vessels shall require to those vessels wishing to unload and/or transshipment to provide, at least 48 hours before the estimated time of arrival at the port, the information referred to in paragraph of this Resolution (paragraph 17, page 3). 48 hours before the estimated time of arrival at the port
director@iattc.orgSee form The port CPC shall transmit a copy of the inspection report electronically or by other means to the flag CPC point of contact and the IATTC Director (paragraph 28, page 4). No later than 30 days following the date of completion of the inspection
director@iattc.orgSee format If an infringement is detected and falls within the legal jurisdiction of the port CPC, the port CPC may take action in accordance with its domestic laws. The port CPC shall promptly notify the action taken to the competent authority of the flag CPC and to the IATTC Director, who shall promptly publish this information in a secured part of the IATTC website (paragraph 31, page 5). Promptly after the conclusion of the investigations
director@iattc.orgNo format Infringements that do not fall within the jurisdiction of the port CPC, and infringements referred to in paragraph 30 for which the port CPC has not taken action, shall be referred to the flag State and, as appropriate, the relevant coastal State. Upon receiving the copy of the inspection report, the flag CPC shall promptly investigate the alleged infringement and notify the IATTC Director of the status of the investigation and of any enforcement action that may have been taken (paragraph 32, page 5). Within six months after receipt of the information No format Should the inspection provide evidence that the inspected vessel has engaged in IUU activities as referred to in Resolution C-05-07, the port CPC shall promptly report the case to the flag CPC and notify as soon as possible the IATTC Director, along with its supporting evidence (paragraph 33, page 5). At the latest 70 days before the Annual Meeting ( C-19-02)
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs are encouraged to enter into bilateral agreements/arrangements that allow for an inspector exchange program designed to promote cooperation. A description of such programs should be provided to the IATTC Director, who should publish it on the IATTC website (paragraph 35, page 5). As soon as it occurs No format Transshipments at sea Program for Transshipments by Large-Scale Fishing Vessels C-22-03 Each CPC shall promptly notify the Director, after the establishment of the initial IATTC Record, of any addition to, deletion from and/or modification of the IATTC Record, at the time such changes occur (paragraph 8, page 2). At the time the change occurs
director@iattc.orgNo format CPC with longliners transshipping or with carriers on the authorized carrier list Vessel Register Each CPC shall report to the Director: a. The quantities by species transshipped; b. The names and IMO numbers of its vessels on the IATTC LSTLFV List, and c. A comprehensive report assessing the content and conclusions of the reports of the observers assigned to carrier vessels which have received transshipment from its LSTLFVs (paragraph 19, page 4). By September 15 No format Other reports Data buoys Fishing on Data Buoys C-11-03 CPCs are encouraged to require their fishing vessels to report to them all entanglements and provide the date, location, and nature of the entanglement, along with any identifying information on the data buoy. CPCs shall notify the Commission of all such reports (paragraph 2, page 2). Not defined No format CPCs with purse seiners and longliners operating in the EPO Other reports VMS Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) C-23-11 Each CPC shall provide to the Director a progress report on its VMS consistent with this resolution. The Commission will discuss how best to proceed with future consideration of VMS to support its conservation and management program at its annual meeting in 2025, including the possible development of a stand-alone IATTC VMS scheme (paragraph 7, page 2). By May 31 2025 No format CPCs with fishing vessels of 24 meters or more in length operating in the EPO. Data on VMS C-21-04 Starting in 2023 CPCs shall report, or require their vessels to report to the IATTC, utilizing a format to be developed by the IATTC staff and approved by the Commission, complete VMS data for all purse-seine vessels required to carry VMS pursuant to Resolution C-14-02. The information reported to the Secretariat shall include, at a minimum, the information specified in Paragraphs 2(a) of and 2(b) of that Resolution (paragraph 25, page 6). Starting in 2023
director@iattc.orgNo format CPCs with purse-seine vessels that deploy FADs