6th Workshop of an Electronic Monitoring System (EMS)
6th Workshop of an Electronic Monitoring System (EMS)
13 Dec - 15 Dec 2023- Meeting reports
6th Workshop of an Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) in the EPO
Agenda items Documents 1 Opening of the workshop 1 Day 1 - Opening of workshop 2 Implementation of an EMS and minimum standards in the IOTC (Hilario Murua) 3 Implementation of an EMS and minimum standards in the ICCAT (Rui Coelho) 4 Presentation and discussion on matters related to document EMS-06-01: EM standards of an EMS in the EPO (IATTC staff) 5 Day 2 - Ongoing development of EM standards and relevant initiatives undertaken by various RFMOs and intergovernmental organizations (Eric Gilman) 6 Current State of Electronic Monitoring standards in the US and through ICES (Brett Alger) 7 Additional discussions on matters related to document EMS-06-01 WSEMS-06-01 8 Day 3 - Additional discussions on matters related to document EMS-06-01 9 Closure of the workshop -
Meeting documents
WSEMS-06-01 - Logistical and data analysis and reporting standards of an EMS Posted on 11 Dec 23 - Presentations
Background documents
- WSEMS-05 Discussion Summary
- WSEMS-05-01 - Financial considerations of an EMS
- SAC-14 INF-H EMS Staff recommendations-Progress report
- WGEM-01-01 - Outcomes of the EMS workshops
- WSEMS-04-01 - Technical standards of an EMS
- WSEMS-04-02 - Data collection priorities EMS
- Electronic monitoring program and performance standards for an industry-led longline tuna initiative
- Pew - How much is enough? Review optimization methods to deliver best value from electronic monitoring of commercial fisheries
- List of participants
- Data collection priorities EMS
- Electronic monitoring guidance from the ICES Working Group on Fisheries Technology Integration
- Electronic monitoring program design considerations
- Progress on data collection priorities in other tuna-RFMOs (IOTC)
- Technical standards of an EMS
- WSEMS-03 Discussion Summary
- Resolution C-19-08: Scientific observers for longline vessels
- Resolution C-21-02: Terms of reference for workshops on the implementation of an EMS in the Antigua Convention Area Resolution
- Resolution C-21-03: Definitions used in the implementation of an EMS for the tuna fisheries of the Antigua Convention Area
- SAC-11-10: An electronic monitoring system for the tuna fisheries in the EPO: objectives and standards
- SAC-13 INF-D Implementation of EMS Staff recommendations-Progress report
- WSEMS-01-01: Staff Recommendations for the implementation of an EMS for the tuna fisheries in the EPO
- WSEMS-01-02 (Rev): A proposed workplan for the implementation of an EMS for the tuna fisheries in the EPO
- WSEMS-02-01: Institutional structure of an EMS in the EPO
- WSEMS-02-02 (Rev): Goals and scope of an EMS in the EPO
- WSEMS-02 Discussion Summary
- WSEMS-03-01: Electronic Monitoring System Management considerations
- Project D.2.a: Pilot study of electronic monitoring (EM) of the activities and catches of purse-seine vessels
- Project C.2.b: Pilot study of electronic monitoring (EM) of the activities and catches of longline vessels