OTM-33-01 - Outburst of FAD fishing following quota implementation
OTM-33-01a - Outburst of FAD fishing following quota implementation
OTM-33-02 - Toward true FAD deployment limits in the t RFMOs
OTM-33-02a - Toward true FAD deployment limits in the t RFMOs
OTM-33-03 - Options for a better monitoring and control of operational buoys
OTM-33-03a - Options for a better monitoring and control of operational buoys
OTM-33-04 - Best Standards for data collection on Floating Objects
OTM-33-04a - Best Standards for data collection on floating objects
OTM-33-05 - From fishermen to scientific tools
OTM-33-05a - From fishermen to scientific tools
OTM-33-06 - Estimating density of non tracked dFADs with spatial capture recapture models
OTM-33-06a - Estimating density of non tracked dFADs with spatial capture recapture models
OTM-33-07 - Recently available dFAD tracking data in the WCPO
OTM-33-07a - Recently available dFAD tracking data in the WCPO
OTM-33-08 - Global analysis of beaching events in French dFAD trajectory data
OTM-33-08a - Global analysis of beaching events in French dFAD trajectory data
OTM-33-09 - Options for improving dFAD recovery and accountability
OTM-33-09a - Options for improving dFAD recovery and accountability
OTM-33-10 - A novel approach to obtain indices of abundance of tropical tunas from echosounder buoys
OTM-33-10a - A novel approach to obtain indices of abundance of tropical tunas from echosounder buoys
OTM-33-11 - Treatment of acoustic data obtained from echosounder buoys
OTM-33-11a - Treatment of acoustic data obtained from echosounder buoys
OTM-33-12 - Machine learning for characterization of tuna aggregations
OTM-33-12a - Machine learning for characterization of tuna aggregations
OTM-33-13 - Towards acoustic discrimination of tuna species associated with FADs
OTM-33-13a - Towards acoustic discrimination of tuna species associated with FADs
OTM-33-14 - Effect of inter FAD distances on the movements of tuna
OTM-33-14a - Effect of inter FAD distances on the movements of tuna
OTM-33-15 - Preliminary results of BIOFAD project
OTM-33-15a - Preliminary results of BIOFAD project
OTM-33-16 - Mitigating environmental impacts of Fish Aggregating Devices
OTM-33-16a - Mitigating environmental impacts
OTM-33-17 - Towards the use of non entangling and biodegradable dFADs
OTM-33-17a - Towards the use of non entangling and biodegradable dFADs
OTM-33-18 - Fish aggregating devices purse seine fishery
OTM-33-19 - Turning the tide on FAD beaching
OTM-33-19a - Turning the tide on FAD beaching
OTM-33-20 - Implementing management plans and voluntary initiatives regarding FADs
OTM-33-20a - Implementing management plans and voluntary initiatives regarding FADs
OTM-33-21 - Mitigating shark bycatch
OTM-33-21a - The impact of FAD on food security of Coastal Community in Somalia
OTM-33-22 - Definitions
OTM-33-23 - Minimum standards and formats
OTM-33-24 - FAD Tracking and Monitoring
OTM-33-25 - Mitigating environmental impacts
OTM-33-26 - FAD indicators
OTM-33-27 - Initiatives for the sustainability of FAD fishing
OTM-33-28 - Current global measures for FADs
OTM-33-29 - Progress on FAD research
OTM-33-30 - Annex 1 Global FAD research projects