Biology Program
The Biology Program is designed to increase the available knowledge of the life-history and behavior of tunas, tuna like-species, and other associated species in the EPO. Data for these types of research are obtained from sampling catches at ports of landing, analyses of information collected from vessel logbooks and by on-board observers, studies conducted at sea on research and fishing vessels, and laboratory experiments.
The Program encompasses two Groups which conduct several important research activities: Early Life-History and Life-History and Behavior.
The scientific knowledge produced by the Biology Program —along with fishery-dependent data sources (e.g. catch, effort and composition data) - is incorporated into population dynamics models for assessing the effects of fishing and natural factors on the abundance and sustainability of stocks (see activities of Stock Assessment Program, Category D). It is also used to parameterize the ecosystem models conducted under the research activities of the Ecosystem and Bycatch Program.
The Program encompasses two Groups which conduct several important research activities: Early Life-History and Life-History and Behavior.
The scientific knowledge produced by the Biology Program —along with fishery-dependent data sources (e.g. catch, effort and composition data) - is incorporated into population dynamics models for assessing the effects of fishing and natural factors on the abundance and sustainability of stocks (see activities of Stock Assessment Program, Category D). It is also used to parameterize the ecosystem models conducted under the research activities of the Ecosystem and Bycatch Program.
- Scientific research