Click to see projects by theme, goal or target:
- Objectives
- To obtain morphometric relationships for priority species (e.g., tunas, billfishes, elasmobranchs, other large fishes) and to opportunistically collect biological samples
- Background
- Length-weight (L-W) relationships can vary markedly in space and time and can greatly influence stock and risk assessment models outcomes. L-W relationships for tunas are outdated (e.g., yellowfin: 1986, bigeye: 1966 and skipjack: 1959) or inadequate for many priority species (see SAC-13-11, SAC-09-12).
- Catch estimations are also affected by imprecise and/or outdated L-W relationships used to convert catch in numbers to weights and vice versa.
- Basic life history data for assessment models are absent or inadequate for most bycatch species
- Size composition of fish and fishing grounds differ significantly between longline (LL) and purse-seine (PS) fisheries (e.g. see IATTC-98-01); this study would initially focus on a subset of longline and PS vessels to develop sampling protocols.
- Simultaneously, discussions between IATTC and CPCs on improving data provision (see SAC-12-09, SAC-12-16) would occur for possible expansion to other vessels and areas in coordination with the other data collection programs in the EPO (e.g. SAC-13-12).
- Relevance for management
- Evidence of structure in EPO stocks of tuna species has been shown from extensive tagging studies, meristic and morphometric analyses, and genetic work, and future assessment will be executed accounting for putative stock structure. Changes in catch estimations can initiate a response in management rendering improvements to conversion factors an essential component for providing better catch estimations. Collection of morphometric and biological samples (e.g. otoliths, tissues, stomachs), will provide information to refine key life history information and to develop improved models for tunas and other prioritized species, thereby advancing scientific advice for decision making.
- Duration
- 24 months
- Workplan and status
- Jun-Dec 2022: Internal staff discussions to identify target species and tasks, review and identify sampling opportunities across EPO fisheries. Reach out to CPCs and relevant stakeholders to identify collaborative sampling opportunities. As needed, collaborate with the industry to gain support, develop sampling design, data forms and databases, purchase equipment, initiate/refine protocols for LL, revise and complete protocol for PS vessels, develop a storage protocol for IATTC regional offices and imports/exports following strict international protocols, engage in conversations during workshops to improve data collection processes and identify other potential fisheries observers’ program where sampling will be executed. Develop a research proposal for implementing a feasibility study in the EPO for prioritized species (Phase 2).
- External collaborators
- Fishing industry and CPCs, CITES offices in corresponding countries
- Deliverables
- Report to SAC-14 in 2023, including a potential research proposal
- Updated date: 01 May 2024
- Progress summary for the reporting period
- A report summarizing the staff’s internal discussions in 2022 on cross collaborations needed to address data gaps identified by the Stock Assessment, Biology and Ecosystem and Bycatch Programs was drafted (SAC-14 INF-J). The document provides background information, data gaps, potential opportunities and considerations for implementing a proposed hierarchical sampling approach for collecting morphometric data and complementary opportunistic biological sampling (e.g., tissues, stomachs, vertebral centra, gonads, and otoliths), for tropical tunas, billfishes and principal non-target species. A proposed research proposal of potential opportunities and associated budget are provided in Tables 1 and 2 (SAC-14 INF-J) and SAC-14-02b.
A staff recommendation was provided to the Commission, “In collaboration with CPCs and relevant stakeholders, develop a feasibility study (Project F.3.a)—which may be upscaled using a hierarchical phase-based approach (see SAC-14 INF-J)—for a fishery-dependent sampling program to collect morphometric measurements and biological samples from prioritized species”. Although the SAC generally endorsed the recommendations on tunas in SAC-14-14, this morphometric proposal for a pilot project was not specifically mentioned (IATTC-101-03) and the project did not receive funds from the Commission.
Recommendations from the 1st External review of data used in stock assessments of tropical tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean, hosted in La Jolla, CA from October 2-6, 2023, further indicated the necessity for funding and implementation of Project F.3.a. The consensus of the external reviewers was that length-weight and weight-weight relationships currently used in the tuna stock assessments were “very outdated”. The formal recommendation was for IATTC to “Update estimates of morphometric relationships using datasets that are sufficiently large to identify sources of variation (e.g., spatial / annual / seasonal / fishery / sampling method).” - Challenges and key lessons learnt
- Despite the outdated nature of tuna length-weight relationships, by several decades, being used in stock assessments and the increasing interest in improving data collection for sharks and other species (e.g., dorado), biological sampling projects have yet to receive dedicated attention from the Commission.
- SAC-14 INF-J Improving data collection for morphometric relationships and biological sampling
See SAC-14-14 and IATTC-101-03 for SAC recommendations to the Commission on the need to support this type of projects - Comments
- The success of the project will be dependent on endorsement and funding by the SAC and Commission as well as extensive collaborations with stakeholders.