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  4. Fulfil requests for development of database and data processing applications for entities outside the IATTC
Project P.1.a - Fulfil requests for development of database and data processing applications for entities outside the IATTC
Program(s) in charge: Data Collection & Database Program
Provide support to CPCs through the development of data collection forms and the most appropriate computer application to allow the collection, entry, editing and analysis of locally-collected datasets.
  • IATTC staff receives requests to develop data entry and editing solutions for data collected by outside organizations.
  • IATTC staff possesses years of experience in these tasks, which is not otherwise available to outside organizations.
  • Through a policy of capacity-building, the staff collaborates with outside organizations to develop the requested applications.
Relevance for management
Through collaboration with data collectors, the staff may be granted access to new sources of data.
Workplan and status
  • Currently developing an MS Access database to process FAD information collected through Resolution C-16-01.
  • Request for additional form to be incorporated into the OSPESCA artisanal longline database.
  • Evaluate ability to accept participation in additional requests as they occur.
External collaborators
  • Completion of requested computer applications.
  • Provide technical support and training of the new applications.
Updated date: 01 May 2019
Progress summary for the reporting period
All requests received have been addressed.
The current system for dealing with such requests appears adequate.