- Objectives
- Review the assessment model used for yellowfin tuna
- Improve the assumptions made in the assessment
- Background
- The yellowfin tuna stock assessment was last independently reviewed in 2012
- Several issues have been identified in the stock assessment
- The CAPAM workshop series and research on the bigeye tuna assessment have identified several modelling good practices that should be incorporated into the yellowfin tuna assessment
- Review of the assessment is important to get external input into improving the assessment
- Relevance for management
- The results of the yellowfin assessment are used for management advice
- Improvements in the stock assessment will improve the management advice
- Duration
- The project will extend over 2019, but the workshop will be a single week in winter
- Workplan and status
- Mid-2019 identify review panel
- Fall 2019 prepare documents describing major developments in the model
- Winter 2019 Hold workshop
- Winter 2019 Write workshop report
- External collaborators
- Independent reviewers
- Deliverables
- Workshop report
- Updated date: 01 May 2020
- Progress summary for the reporting period
- Review held December 2019
- Workshop report completed
- Challenges and key lessons learnt
- No single model identified and multiple models need to be considered
- Workshop report