Research projects
You can use the Project Search Tool below to browse over the staff’s research projects, including their brief summaries, that are currently under way, or planned for the near future and funded under the 5-year Strategic Science Plan (2019-2023). The summaries include, for each project, background information, a work plan, and a progress report, as well as details of its relevance and purpose, external collaborators, duration, and deliverables; also, for existing projects, an update on activities since the previous year’s report.
This information can also be found on the IATTC-98b-Staff activities and research plan. -
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2 Project(s)01 Jan 2018 - 01 Jan 2023FundedObjectives:
- Continue technical development of MSE for tropical tunas.
- Provide training and enhance dialogue / communication among scientists, industry, managers and other stakeholders regarding the MSE process for tropical tunas through the facilitation of a series of workshops.
- Elicit alternative candidate reference points, harvest control rules, performance metrics from stakeholders to be tested in addition to the interim ones.
01 Jan 2019 - 01 Jul 2019FundedObjectives:
- Build upon the previous collaborative work and continue to develop dorado stock assessment methodologies
- Expand the MSE for dorado by evaluating alternative reference points and harvest control rules.
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