IRP-40-05 - Review of Dolphin Mortality Limits (DMLs) for 2005
IRP-40-06a - Review of vessels qualified to receive Dolphin Mortality Limits (DMLs) for 2006
IRP-40-07-01 - Review of AIDCP List of Qualified Captains
IRP-40-09a - Actions taken since report at 39th IRP meeting
IRP-40-09b - Special cases
IRP-40-10-01 - Amendment transit waiver guidelines
IRP-40-11a-01 - Reserve DML Allocation (RDA) and second semester Dolphin Mortality Limits (DMLs)
IRP-40-11b-01 - Requirement to have a national Tuna Tracking System
IRP-40-12 - Observer program comparison
IRP-40-13 - Pattern of infractions