Addressing the problem of excess fishing capacity in tuna fisheries
Buybacks in Fisheries
Capacity management in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Estimated target fleet capacity for the tuna fleet in the eastern Pacific Ocean based on stock assessments of target species
Individual transferable quotas for Bycatches Lessons for the Tuna Dolphin Issue
Industry Initiatives to Resolve the Overcapacity Issue
Organization for the Promotion of Responsible Tuna Fisheries Work to Restrict and Reduce Tuna Longline Fishing Capacity
Regional Vessel Registries and Limited Access Programs
Rights Based Management of Tuna Fisheries Lessons from the Assignment of Property Rights on the Western US Frontier
The international legal framework for management of fishing capacity
Tuna fishing capacity perspective of purse seine fishing industry on factors affecting it and its management
Experiencia con los barcos cirqueros Centroamericanos en limitación de capacidad