Applications of data resulting from tagging experiments in regional stock assessments
Archival tag deployments by IATTC with tropical tunas in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
Archival tag deployments in the framework of Atlantic Ocean Tuna Tagging Program (AOTTP)
Archival tag deployments with tropical tunas around Japan
Archival tuna tagging in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Programme Applications of data resulting from tagging experiments in regional stock assessments
Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Programme Estimating shedding and reporting rates for conventional tags
Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Programme Overview of recent regional tropical tuna tagging programs
Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Programme Tag recovery programs overview outcomes and recommendations
Evaluating experimental designs through simulation analyses
Experimental design and analyses of data for estimation of tag shedding
Experimental designs employed in SPC WCPO Skipjack Tagging Programs
IATTC Eastern Pacific Ocean tuna tagging program Objectives Proposed Activities and Implementation
IATTC Expectations from tagging
IATTC Tuna Tagging Database Current platform and planned improvements
Incorporating results from tagging experiments into EPO regional stock assessments
Objectives reporting focus questions
Proposed experimental designs for estimation of tag shedding and reporting rates from the EPO
Proposed tag recovery program to be implemented for the EPOTTP during 2019 2021
Suitability of tuna tagging platforms and their current limited availability for the implementation of large Oceanic projects
Tag recovery in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
The Indian Ocean Tuna Tagging Program
The Indian Ocean tuna tagging project tag recovery program
Tropical tuna tagging programs undertaken by IATTC in the eastern Pacific Ocean
Tuna tagging programs undertaken by NRIFSFRL around Japan
Tuna Tagging Programs undertaken by SPC in the WCPO
Tuna Tagging Programs undertaken by the Pelagic Fisheries Research Program around Hawaii