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Monday 02-Oct Welcome (Arnulfo Franco/Alex Aires-da-Silva) |
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Introductions, notifications |
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Background (terms of reference, documents, objectives, products) (Alex Aires-da-Silva) |
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Summary of assessment and management of tropical tunas (Alex Aires-da-Silva) |
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How the assessments are done (Mark Maunder) |
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Conceptual model for yellowfin tuna (Carolina Minte-Vera) |
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Bigeye tuna stock hypotheses (Haikun Xu) |
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Discussion on stock structure |
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Day’s summary by Chair, public comment, discussion, and Panel requests for additional analyses |
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Tuesday 03-Oct Purse-seine observer program, port sampling program, logbook, and estimation of catches (Cleridy Lennert-Cody) |
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Purse-seine catch (Cleridy Lennert-Cody) |
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Purse-seine discards (Carolina Minte-Vera) |
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Purse-seine: Length composition from port sampling and size categories from observer data (Cleridy Lennert-Cody) |
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How to treat the pandemic years for purse seine. (Carolina Minte-Vera) |
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Purse seine discussion |
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Longline data (Carolina Minte-Vera) |
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Longline catch (Carolina Minte-Vera) |
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Longline discards (Haikun Xu) |
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Longline length composition (Carolina Minte-Vera) |
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Longline standardized average body weight |
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How to treat the pandemic years longline (Carolina Minte-Vera) |
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Longline discussion |
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Tagging data (Dan Fuller) |
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Day’s summary by Chair, public comment, discussion, and Panel requests for additional analyses |
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Wednesday 04-Oct Longline indices (Haikun Xu) |
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Flags combined (Japan and Korea) and incorporating environmental effects (Haikun Xu) |
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Longline indices discussion (Haikun Xu) |
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Longline indices discussion continue |
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Purse index on dolphin sets for yellowfin tuna (Carolina Minte-Vera) |
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Purse seine index discussion |
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Echosounder buoy index (Jon Uranga and Jon Lopez) |
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Echosounder buoy index discussion |
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Computation of fisheries and index composition data (Haikun Xu) |
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Tagging data spatio-temporal model (Mark Maunder) |
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Tagging data spatio-temporal model discussion |
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Biology (Dan Fuller) |
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Biology discussion |
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Other model runs (Haikun Xu) |
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Day’s summary by Chair, public comment, discussion, and Panel requests for additional analyses |
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Thursday 05-Oct Presentation of requested data, analyses, and model runs |
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Day’s summary by Chair, public comment, discussion, and Panel requests for additional analyses |
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Friday 06-Oct Presentation of requested data, analyses, and model runs |
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Report writing |
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Summary by Chair of reviewers’ recommendations, public comment |