SAR-05-04 - Report of meeting on reference points
SAR-05-05 - Assessment of swordfish in the eastern Pacific Ocean
SAR-05-05 - Including parameter uncertainty in Forward Projections
SAR-05-05 - Status of bigeye tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 2003 and outlook for 2004
SAR-05-05 - Status of skipjack tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 2003 and outlook for 2004
SAR-05-05 - Status of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 2003 and outlook for 2004
SAR-05-05a - Possible utility of catch limits for individual purse seine vessels to reduce fishing mortality on BET in the eastern Pacific Ocean
SAR-05-06 - Analysis of the December 2003 Purse seine closure in the eastern Pacific Ocean
SAR-05-07 - Tunas and billifishes in the eastern Pacific Ocean
SAR-05-08 - Target fleet capacity