SAR-10-04 - The fishery in 2008
SAR-10-04a - Unilateral management actions
SAR-10-06a - Yellowfin tuna assessment 2008
SAR-10-06b - Bigeye tuna assessment 2008
SAR-10-07 - Skipjack tuna assessment 2008
SAR-10-08 - Swordfish Assessment 2008
SAR-10-09 - Evaluation of sampling procedures
SAR-10-11 - Tagging cohort model
SAR-10-12 - Regional tagging project 2010 2012
SAR-10-14a - Proposal to add several years of data to the assessment of yellowfin tuna
SAR-10-14b - Vertical distribution of 17 pelagic fish species in the longline fisheries in the eastern Pacific Ocean
SAR-10-15 - Effects of fishery on ecosystem