1 |
Welcome to participants and adoption of the agenda |
2 |
Review of EBWG recommendations and workshop objectives: |
2a |
Define large circle hook size |
2b |
Review data on longevity and integrity of hooks from different configurations and manufacturers |
2c |
Discussions on 3rd mitigation options |
2d |
Develop BHRP for sea turtles in small-scale / shallow-set longline fleet |
2e |
Resolve language for Resolution C-19-04 |
3 |
Presentations by invited experts and by CPCs and discussion on each objective |
3a |
Characteristics of circle hooks |
3b |
Impacts of circle hooks |
3bi |
Target species and non-target species |
3c |
Hook longevity and integrity |
3d |
Third mitigation options |
3e |
Further development of best handling and release practice guidelines for sea turtles |
4 |
Conclusions and Recommendations |
5 |
Adjournment |