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Project H.6.a - Participate in assessments of shared species by the International Scientific Committee (ISC)
Program(s) in charge: Stock Assessment Program
  • Staff participation in development and improvement of assessments for North Pacific-wide species of interest to the IATTC, especially Pacific bluefin and albacore tunas, but also billfishes and sharks
  • Understand the assessment results, and communicate them to the Commission
  • The ISC and its various working groups assess stocks in the north Pacific that are covered by both the IATTC and WCPFC
  • The IATTC staff provides data and advice for the assessments
  • Assessments are periodic, and the stocks assessed differ each year.
Relevance for management
The IATTC uses the results of the ISC assessments to provide management advice
Ongoing; ISC meets annually, usually in July
Workplan and status
See ISC website for details (http://isc.fra.go.jp/)
External collaborators
Report to SAC meetings
Updated date: 01 May 2024
Progress summary for the reporting period
  • February 2020: submitted a working paper for the Billfish working group
  • March 2020: Attended the virtual Pacific bluefin working group workshop. New benchmark assessment developed.
  • August/September 2020 and December 2020: Attended the virtual Albacore working group workshops about the progress on Management Strategy Evaluation
  • February 2021: Started a Basecamp North Pacific Albacore MSE – ISC albacore working group discussions for managers and other stakeholder 
  • March 2021: Attended the 5th North Pacific Albacore MSE Workshop;, the objectives were: (i) help managers and stakeholders understand MSE results, (ii) get feedback to ALBWG on the presentation of MSE results.
  • March 2021: Made a presentation to the Billfish working group on the “1th technical workshop on S EPO swordfish, Stock structure of swordfish in the Pacific Ocean” 
  • April 2021: Participated in the north Pacific bluefin working group meeting
  • December 2021: Attended the virtual billfish working group data preparation workshop to prepare data inputs for the 2022 striped marlin stock assessment.
  • May 2022: Attended the webinar of the North Pacific Albacore Working Group. Collaborated on a working paper.
  • November 2022: participated in the shortfin mako working group meeting on biological assumptions. Assisted with the development of the shortfin mako conceptual model with provision of habitat use and post release survival data.
  • November 2022: Attended the virtual billfish working group data preparation workshop to prepare fishery and biological data inputs for the 2023 North Pacific swordfish stock assessment.
  • December 2022: Attended the virtual billfish working group biological data workshop on billfish ageing.
  • December 2022: Made a presentation on the use of conceptual models to improve stock assessment models at the Shark Working group meeting (Shimizu, Japan).
  • December 2022: Attended the North Pacific Albacore Working Group data preparatory meeting. The goal of the meeting was to review the inputs to the 2024 stock assessment (Yokohama, Japan).
  • March 2023: Attended the Bluefin Tuna Working Group meeting. The goals of the meeting were to evaluate the data for the next benchmark assessment and discuss MSE
  • March 2023: Attended the North Pacific Albacore Working Group meeting. The goal of the meeting was to conduct the stock assessment (La Jolla, USA).
  • April 2023: Attended the Billfish Working Group meeting. The goals of the meeting were to revise the conservation information for striped marlin and to conduct the stock assessment of the north Pacific swordfish (Honolulu, USA).
  • May 2023: Attended the ISC SHARKWG North Pacific shortfin mako (SMA) conceptual model development workshop (remote participation)
  • June 2023: Attended the ISC SHARKWG SMA conceptual model review workshop (remote participation)
  • November 2023: Remotely participated in the data preparatory meeting (hybrid-meeting) for stock assessment of North Pacific shortfin mako held in Yokohama Japan.
  • January 2024: Attended the ISC BILLWG meeting (discussion on rebuilding plan for MLS and external review for MLS) (remote participation)
  • January 2024: Attended the ISC SHARKWG SMA Model development meetings in La Jolla, CA.
  • March 2024: Attended the ISC North Pacific Albacore Working Group meeting (Victoria, Canada).
Challenges and key lessons learnt
The main challenge has been to conciliate tasks the scientific staff need to lead with the participation in the ISC working groups.
See working group reports on the ISC website
  • Future funding for staff to travel to these meetings should be allocated.