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  4. Develop and update Productivity-Susceptibility Analyses (PSAs) of tuna fisheries in the EPO
Project L.2.a - Develop and update Productivity-Susceptibility Analyses (PSAs) of tuna fisheries in the EPO

01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018

Program(s) in charge: Ecosystem & Bycatch Program
  • To improve the currently used PSA methodology by reducing the number of redundant biological attributes without compromising PSA results.
  • Apply the new PSA methodology to existing assessments of the purse seine fishery (class 6 vessels) and the industrial longline fishery.
  • To prepare manuscripts for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal for (1) improved PSA methodology, and (2) purse seine and longline fishery PSA results.
IATTC’s PSAs have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal therefore access of this information to the broader scientific community is limited to IATTC’s website. Publication of IATTC’s approaches to ecosystem-based research is one step towards demonstrating IATTC’s commitment to ecosystem-based fisheries management.
Relevance for management
  • Results in the PSA papers may be used to prioritize data collection, mitigation, and/or management measures for species identified as vulnerable by the method.
  • Improving the methodology by reducing the number of biological parameters will optimize reliability of results from the PSA method, while decreasing the data requirements to further expedite this rapid assessment approach for datalimited fisheries.
8 months
Workplan and status
  • Jan-Jun 18: prepare a manuscript for the existing PSA for the large purse-seine fishery and submit to co-authors for review
  • Aug 18: submit PSA manuscript on the large purse-seine fishery for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal
  • Jan-May 18: Submit PSA-methods manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal
Manuscripts demonstrating IATTC’s approaches to ecosystem-related research for data-limited species
Updated date: 01 May 2021
Progress summary for the reporting period
  • This project has now been completed and the IATTC has no immediate plans to use PSA for future ecological risk assessments since the new quantitative EASI-Fish approach is now being used in favor of PSA.
Challenges and key lessons learnt
  • This key lesson learned from this project is the PSA approach actually requires far more data inputs than other quantitative ERA approaches but provides only a relative measure of risk for each species.
  • The exploratory statistical work undertaken in this project demonstrated that the subjective weightings previously recommended to apply to susceptibility and productivity parameters can have variable impacts on model outcomes and increase uncertainty regarding the risk level of a species.
  • A manuscript entitled “Assessing vulnerability of bycatch species in the tuna purse-seine fisheries of the eastern Pacific Ocean” has been published in the journal Fisheries Research
  • A manuscript entitled “Assessing attribute redundancy in the application of productivitysusceptibility analysis to data-limited fisheries” has been published in the journal Aquatic Living Resources