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  4. Evaluating knowledge and data gaps to the implementation of best handling and release practices for vulnerable species in IATTC fisheries
Project M.2.d - Evaluating knowledge and data gaps to the implementation of best handling and release practices for vulnerable species in IATTC fisheries

01 May 2023 - 01 May 2025

Program(s) in charge: Ecosystem & Bycatch Program
Conduct a review to identify knowledge and data gaps hindering the implementation of best handling and release guidelines for vulnerable species in IATTC fisheries
  • Improving the post release fate of prioritized, vulnerable and/or no retention species is key to support sustainable fisheries.
  • Handling and release practices have been shown to have significant impacts on survival outcomes for discarded species.
  • Therefore, accurate guidance on handling and release practices that maximize the potential for survival post release for prioritized species is desirable across IATTC fisheries.
Relevance for management
Improved handling and release practices will reduce the impact of IATTC fisheries on vulnerable species and populations
24 months
Workplan and status
  • Year 1: Collate and review available data on post release survival and current handling practices; write a review document for the EBWG; make recommendations to improve research and knowledge gaps and priorities.
  • Year 2: Start developing a live document with improved handling and release guidelines for vulnerable species across fishing sectors where possible, seek CPC input, explore options to improve communication with fishers, including developing illustrations to accompany guidelines or online resources.
External collaborators
CPCs, fishing organizations
  • Review document collating available information and identification of research and knowledge gaps to be addressed in future efforts (EBWG-01-01)
  • Identification of areas where vulnerable species resolutions can be improved, and make recommendations to the SAC and the Commission accordingly.
  • Dissemination material (e.g., illustrated guides, online resources) for the fleet, the Ecosystem and Bycatch Working Group, the SAC, and other meetings and organizations of interest.
Updated date: 01 May 2024
Progress summary for the reporting period
An exhaustive review of existing IATTC guidelines, and available post release survival data was conducted to identify gaps in current guidelines and available data that are useful in the development of meaningful Best Handling and Release Practices (BHRP) guidelines. The paper EB-01-01 was presented to the EBWG and SAC-14. A memo was sent to all CPCs and cooperating non-members requesting any data on post release survival data and any BHRP guidance and regulations. The next steps are to compile all information and develop a workplan for BHRP adoption for all vulnerable taxa across fisheries and this will be presented to the EBWG-02 and SAC-15 as document EB-02-03. In 2024 Shark BHRP will be developed as requested by the Commission and presented to the EBWG and SAC-15 in paper SAC-15-11 (see project M.2.f).
Challenges and key lessons learnt
Data validating post release fate using recommended practices is expensive and difficult to generate. Furthermore, fleet characteristic data will be necessary to generate recommendations for best practices across the region and collaboration across CPCs and other relative entities will be necessary in the development of BHRP for vulnerable species.
EB-01-01 on “Knowledge and research gaps to the implementation of best handling and release practices for vulnerable species” was posted and presented to the EBWG and SAC-14. EB-02-03 “A workplan for BHRP adoption for all vulnerable taxa” will be presented at the EBWG.
The SAC-14 acknowledged the importance of developing Best Handling and Release Practice guidelines for vulnerable species and made several recommendations to the Commission in section 9 of SAC-14-16. As such, the Commission adopted Resolution C-23-07 on sharks and tasked the staff to prepare Best Handling and Releasing guidelines for sharks in 2024 (SAC-15-11)