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Project P.1.b - Respond to requests for scientific analyses
Program(s) in charge: Stock Assessment Program
Respond to requests by CPCs and other entities in a timely manner
  • The information necessary for making important management decisions is often situation-dependent and evolves as discussions progress.
  • CPCs and other entities regularly make requests for analyses and other work that is not included in the staff work plan
  • The type of requests varies widely
Relevance for management
Many requests by CPCs are directly used to inform management decisions
Workplan and status
The workplan cannot be anticipated
External collaborators
Vary. Can include reports and/or presentations to SAC and the IATTC meetings
Updated date: 01 May 2024
Progress summary for the reporting period
All requests received have been addressed.
Challenges and key lessons learnt
MSC certification has increased the amount of requests and current level of staff is insufficient to address all request without impacting other core staff activities.
The current system for dealing with such requests requires additional staff.