2nd Workshop on improving the risk analysis for the tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean: model weighting for integrated stock assessments
2nd Workshop on improving the risk analysis for the tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean: model weighting for integrated stock assessments
28 Nov - 02 Dec 2022- Meeting reports
2nd Workshop on improving the risk analysis for the tropical tunas in the EPO
Agenda items Documents 1 Monday-Welcome 2 Introduction 3 Model weighting in the IATTC risk analysis approach-Mark Maunder 4 A review of model averaging and the way forward 5 Summary of ICES 2022 Network Session on ensemble models 6 Tuesday-Which models to consider and what measures (diagnostics) should be used to exclude models 7 Using diagnostics to fix and eliminate models when constructing an ensemble: Mark Maunder/Felipe Carvalho 8 Discussion 9 What measures to use in weighting and how to determine the weight for each metric 10 What measures to use in weighting and how to determine the weight for each metric?: Philipp Neubauer 11 Using hindcasting to weight models: TBA 12 Considerations when integrating multiple stock assessment models: Allan Hicks 13 Discussion 14 Wednesday-How to combine weights 15 Key decisions: How should ensembles be constructed and combined?: Nicholas Ducharme-Barth 16 Implementation of Monte-Carlo Bootstrap Ensembles to assess uncertainty and provide management advice: Matt Vincent 17 There’s more to ensemble modelling than model weighting: Michael Spence 18 Discussion 19 Thursday-Applications 20 Practical applications of diagnostic weighing in ensemble models: three case studies, Northern shrimp, Adriatic sole and Gulf of Bothnian vendace: Massimiliano Cardinale 21 Application of model weighting in the context of EPO tuna assessment and management 22 A proposed approach of developing and weighting an ensemble for use with tropical tunas in the EPO 23 Discussion 24 Friday - Discussion (if needed) -
Background documents
- Presentation: Implementing reference point-based fishery harvest control rules within a probabilistic framework
- Report: Implementing reference point-based fishery harvest control rules within a probabilistic framework
- Risk analysis for yellowfin tuna
- Risk analysis for management of the tropical tuna fishery in the EPO
- Diagnostics workshop report
- Information from the diagnostics workshop