Age At Length In BET
Age At Length In YFT
Annual ageing of tellowfin tuna
Assessment results to the estimated L infinity value
Bigeye annual and daily age validation
Bigeye tuna Aging Methods Comparison
Bigeye tuna comparison of length based growth
Bigeye tuna Length Composition Assessment
Challenges in the art of ageing
Daily vs Annual Rings
Estimation of age at length of bigeye from the WCPO
Evaluation of daily and annual increment counts from bigeye tuna
Evaluation of daily and annual increment counts from yellowfin tuna
Growth From age at length and Tag
Growth Issues
Growth models utilized in recent bigeye tuna assessments
Growth Rate
Increment Depostition Rate In BET
Investigating spatail variation in growth of BET
Preliminary estimation of age at length of yellowfin from the WCPO
Simulate decimal ages
Tag recapture oxytetracycline marking experiments to investigate
Yellowfin tuna age validation
Yellowfin tuna Aging Methods Comparison
Yellowfin tuna growth
Yellowfin tuna growth in the assessment
Yellowfin tuna growth rates
Yellowfin tuna Tagging