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Project A.1.a - Database and Observer Data Collection Program Regular Activities
Program(s) in charge: Data Collection & Database Program
Contact: Sylvain Caillot
Continue regular Bycatch-IDCP program activities required by the Antigua Convention and the AIDCP
  • The AIDCP requires that all trips by Class-6 purse-seine vessels (carrying capacity > 363 t) in the EPO carry an observer aboard; the IATTC observer program covers 50% of trips.
  • Observer records are the primary source of data on the purse-seine fishery.
  • The Antigua Convention and various IATTC resolutions require that observers collect information on the tuna purse-seine fishery.
  • The Bycatch-IDCP program is instrumental in training observers from national programs and under agreements with other organizations.
Relevance for management
Observer data are a key element for stock assessments and recommendations by the IATTC scientific staff
Workplan and status
Continue to process new data. Seek opportunities to improve data collection and processing
External collaborators
Coordination with national and regional observer programs is essential and required.
Updated date: 01 May 2022
Progress summary for the reporting period
  • IATTC staff processed data from 497 observed trips initiated during 2021.
  • No alignment of dolphin safety panel in purse-seine net, 2021
Presentations for the AIDCP seminar were updated with new resolution requirements relevant to operators, and made available to the national programs.