SAR-08-05 - Data received
SAR-08-06 - Fishery 2006
SAR-08-07 - Closed area analysis
SAR-08-08a - Yellowfin tuna assessment 2006
SAR-08-08b - Effect of Resolution C 04 09
SAR-08-09a - Bigeye tuna assessment 2006
SAR-08-09c - Bigeye tuna gear effects
SAR-08-10 - Skipjack tuna indicators
SAR-08-11 - Swordfish stock structure
SAR-08-12a - Proposals targeting a better understanding of the IATTC
SAR-08-12b - Longline data collection practices
SAR-08-12c - Longline seabird bycatch mitigation
SAR-08-12d - United States bird report
SAR-08-12e - Seabirds Incidental Catches and Shark Bycatches in the Pacific Ocean from Taiwanese Observer Data of 2002 2005
SAR-08-12f - Estimation of ratio of fin weight to body weight of sharks in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 2006
SAR-08-12g - Comparison of circle hook and J hook catch rate for target and bycatch species taken in the Korean tuna longline fishery in 2006
SAR-08-12h - Report of Chinese Observer Program in the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2006
SAR-08-12i - Study of Alternative Models of Artificial Floating Objects for Tuna Fishery
SAR-08-12j - Acoustic Selectivity in Tropical Tuna
SAR-08-13 - Sea turtle program
SAR-08-14 - Seabird interactions
SAR-08-15 - Shark research plan
SAR-08-17 - Ecosystem considerations