China Review of national regulation and data collection for longline
Collaborative work and lessons learned
Comparison of fleet in main stock assessment area EPO
Corresponding size composition data to the indices and catch
CPUE as an index of relative abundance
Current indices and problems
Estimation of targeting effects in the EPO using different methods
Evolution in the CPUE standardization for WCPC assessments
How To Install CPUE
IATTC Eastern Pacific Ocean Regional Tuna Tracking Program
Introduction to the spatiotemporal model
Japan Review of operational level CPUE data and regulations for longline
Japan Review of size composition data from longline in the Pacific Ocean
Korea Data collection and statistics
Overview for estimating targeting effects
Pacific wide changes in tuna targeting via cluster analysis of all fleet operational data sets
Results using clustering and cpue
Review of size data from Korean longline fisheries in the Pacific Ocean
Review of the data for Taiwanese longline
Review of the International regulations in the Pacific Ocean for longline that may cause changes
Size composition longline Exploratory data analysis of JPN data
Standardization including size composition data in VAST
The cpue rfmo library and the GLM GAMM approach
Vessel effect and targeting using Japanese operational data in Spatial temporal model
Workshop introduction