14th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee
1st Meeting of the Permanent Working Group on Ecosystem and Bycatch
11 May - 12 May 2023- Meeting reports
1st Working Group on Ecosystem and Bycatch
Agenda items Documents 1 Opening of the meeting 2 Adoption of the agenda 3 Review of recommendations from the 11th meeting of the Bycatch Working Group 3a Brief update regarding outcome of 2022 circle hook workshop, with goal to resolve C-19-04 (Co-Chairs) 4 Member country updates on Ecosystem and Bycatch Activities 5 Presentations 5a Ecosystem 5a1 Deep Sea Mining: update on developments and relevance to the IATTC (Ocean Foundation) 5b Elasmobranchs 5b1 Shark post release survival rates and management implications in longline fisheries (Hutchinson, IATTC Staff) 5b2 Improving conservation and management of sharks in the EPO and ensuring compatibility with other regional fisheries management organizations in the Pacific (Shaw, Canada) 5b3 Assessing reported shark and ray catch in industrial fisheries: A global review to inform assessment and conservation (Cronin, Univ. of California Santa Cruz) 5b4 Progress in addressing key research to inform Mobulid ray conservation in the Pacific Ocean" (Moreno, ISSF) 5b5 Exploring helicopter vessel communication for Mobulid bycatch avoidance (Waldo, UC Santa Cruz) 5c Sea Turtles 5c1 Drifting fish aggregating devices (dFAD) & sea turtle interactions in the open ocean (Escalle, ISSF). 5d Seabirds 5di A proposal to develop an IATTC seabird work plan (Gianuca, Birdlife International). 5dii Best practices 5d1 Overview of knowledge and data gaps of best practices for vulnerable species in IATTC fisheries: recommendations for future research (Hutchinson, IATTC Staff) 5d2 Role of electronic monitoring in best practices, in particular non-retention fisheries (Heberer, TNC) 5d3 Evaluating best practices and releasing tools for protected species in purse seiners (Grande, AZTI) 5d4 Sea Turtle handling and best practices in Central America (Andraka/Parga, SUBMON, ECOPacific +) 6 Relevant information papers (No presentation) 6a Purse-seine indicators for silky sharks in the EPO (IATTC staff) 6b Ecosystem considerations (IATTC staff) 6c Vulnerability status for silky and hammerheads in the EPO: EASI-fish assessment (IATTC staff) 6d Adjusting time-of-day and depth of fishing provides an economically viable solution to seabird bycatch in an albacore tuna longline fishery (Gilman et al 2023) 7 Recommendations to the Scientific Advisory Committee 8 Other business 9 Adjournment -
Meeting documents
Knowledge and research gaps Revised on 12 Apr 24 Posted on 10 May 23Recommendations of the 1st meeting of the Ecosystem and By-Catch WG Posted on 15 May 23 -
Informational documents
INF-A. FADs and Sea Turtle Simulations Posted on 08 May 23INF-B. Testing Bycatch Release Devices Elasmobranchs in the EPO Posted on 08 May 23INF-C. Helicopter communication for Mobulids Bycatch Posted on 09 May 23 -
Related documents
7th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on FADs
12 May - 13 May 2023- Meeting details
- Meeting reports
7th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on FADs
Agenda items Documents 1 Opening of the meeting 2 Adoption of the agenda 3 Review of recommendations from the 6th meeting of the FAD Working Group 4 Advances on biodegradable FADs in the EPO 4a Biodegradable FADs: analysis of prototype performance from buoy data FAD-07-02 4b The performance on the JellyFAD in the EPO [Moreno et al.] 5 FAD data reporting established in Resolution C-21-04 6 FAD fishery indicators 6a The fishery on FADs in the EPO FAD-07-01 6b Updated biomass indicators from echosounder buoys FAD-07-03 6c The Poseidon model [Vertpre et al.] 7 Initiatives to reduce impacts of FADs fishing 7a Guidelines to reduce the impact of FADs on sea turtles. [Moreno et al.] FAD-07-04 7b Predicted origins of drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (dFADs) as a source of plastic marine debris into environmentally sensitive habitats of Hawaii. [Royer et al.] 7c Preliminarily analyses of the regional database of stranded drifting FADs in the Pacific Ocean [Escalle et al.] 7d A novel FAD tracking device tested in the Pacific Ocean. [Moreno et al.] 7e Acoustic discrimination of juvenile yellowfin tuna in an offshore cage [Sobradillo et al.] 7f ISSF Workshop on different approaches to limit the number of FADs in the oceans [Restrepo et al.] 8 Latest scientific information on FADs and developments in other tRFMO 9 Conclusions and recommendations 10 Other business 11 Adjournment -
Meeting documents
FAD-07-01 - Floating object fishery indicators a 2022 report Posted on 27 Apr 23FAD-07-02 - Biodegradable FADs project report Posted on 04 May 23FAD-07-03 - Updated biomass index from echo-sounder buoys Posted on 08 May 23FAD-07-04 - Guidelines to reduce FAD impacts on sea turtles Posted on 23 Apr 23FAD-07-05 - Recommendations of the FADs WG Posted on 17 May 23 -
Informational documents
INF-A. Analyses of the regional database of stranded (dFAD) in the EPO Posted on 09 May 23INF-B. Origin of FADs arriving in Hawaii Posted on 11 May 23 -
- Related documents
- Background documents
14th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee
15 May - 19 May 2023- Meeting reports
14th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee
Agenda items Documents 5a The tuna fishery in 2022 SAC-14-03 5b National reports 5c Longline observer program reports 5d Transshipment observer program 6 Stock assessments: 6a Potential bias on the 2020 and 2021 tropical tuna catch estimates resulting from COVID-19 6b Tropical tunas stock status indicators (SSIs) SAC-14-04 6c Bigeye (BET) and yellowfin (YFT) tunas stock assessment: 6ci BET: exploratory analysis SAC-14-05 6cii YFT: exploratory analysis 6d Skipjack tuna (SKJ) stock assessment 6di IATTC Regional Tuna Tagging Program SAC-14-07 6dii 1st External Review of the SKJ stock assessment for SKJ 6diii Spatiotemporal tagging modeling for SKJ 6div SKJ stock assessment: exploratory analysis SAC-14-08 6dv Proposed interim target and limit reference points for SKJ SAC-14-09 6e 2nd workshop on improving the risk analysis for tropical tunas in the EPO 6f Updates from ISC WGs: 6fi Pacific bluefin tuna (PBFT) 6fii North Pacific albacore tuna (NP-ALB) 6g Other species 6gi South EPO swordfish (SWO) benchmark assessment 7 Modelling: 7a Workplan for tropical tuna Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) 7b CAPAM workshops 7c Poseidon model 8 Data collection: 8a Electronic monitoring (EM) program 8ai EM review rates (purse-seine fleet): exploratory analysis 8aii Updated staff considerations and recommendations 8b Enhanced Monitoring Program (EMP) for BET catches: 8bi Results of the pilot study and workplan for 2023 SAC-14-10 8bii Logistical aspects of data collection 8c 1st Workshop on data improvement (industrial longline fishery) 8d Improvements: Morphometric relationships and biological sampling for priority species 9 FADs: 9a Biodegradable FADs: prototypes performance 9b Report of the FADs WG 10 Ecosystem and bycatch: 10a Ecosystem considerations SAC-14-11 10b Report of the Ecosystem and Bycatch WG 10c Dolphin research: update 10d Vulnerable species best handling practices: knowledge and research gaps 11 Sharks: 11a Silky and hammerhead sharks: impact of alternative management measures on vulnerability status (EASI-fish assessment) SAC-14-12 11b Improvements on shark data collection for EPO coastal States: 11bi Central America: pilot study final report 11bii Others: ABNJ (phase 2) 12 Achotines Laboratory: 12a Research program and activities: future directions SAC-14-13 13 Staff recommendations to the Commission SAC-14-14 14 SAC recommendations to the Commission 15 Other business 16 Adjournment -
Meeting documents
Informational documents
Annual summary reporting - scientific observers for longline vessels (Resolution C-19-08)
Related documents
Background documents
- WSSKJ-01 Report - 1st External Review of IATTC staff’s stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the EPO
- WSDAT-01 Report - 1st Workshop on data improvement - industrial longline fishery
- WSRSK-02 Report - 2nd Workshop on improving the risk analysis for the tropical tunas in the EPO model weighting for integrated stock assessments
- IATTC-100-03-ADD_Recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) to the Commission