5a |
The tuna fishery in 2022 |
5b |
National reports |
5c |
Longline observer program reports |
5d |
Transshipment observer program |
6 |
Stock assessments: |
6a |
Potential bias on the 2020 and 2021 tropical tuna catch estimates resulting from COVID-19 |
6b |
Tropical tunas stock status indicators (SSIs) |
6c |
Bigeye (BET) and yellowfin (YFT) tunas stock assessment: |
6ci |
BET: exploratory analysis |
6cii |
YFT: exploratory analysis |
6d |
Skipjack tuna (SKJ) stock assessment |
6di |
IATTC Regional Tuna Tagging Program |
6dii |
1st External Review of the SKJ stock assessment for SKJ |
6diii |
Spatiotemporal tagging modeling for SKJ |
6div |
SKJ stock assessment: exploratory analysis |
6dv |
Proposed interim target and limit reference points for SKJ |
6e |
2nd workshop on improving the risk analysis for tropical tunas in the EPO |
6f |
Updates from ISC WGs: |
6fi |
Pacific bluefin tuna (PBFT) |
6fii |
North Pacific albacore tuna (NP-ALB) |
6g |
Other species |
6gi |
South EPO swordfish (SWO) benchmark assessment |
7 |
Modelling: |
7a |
Workplan for tropical tuna Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) |
7b |
CAPAM workshops |
7c |
Poseidon model |
8 |
Data collection: |
8a |
Electronic monitoring (EM) program |
8ai |
EM review rates (purse-seine fleet): exploratory analysis |
8aii |
Updated staff considerations and recommendations |
8b |
Enhanced Monitoring Program (EMP) for BET catches: |
8bi |
Results of the pilot study and workplan for 2023 |
8bii |
Logistical aspects of data collection |
8c |
1st Workshop on data improvement (industrial longline fishery) |
8d |
Improvements: Morphometric relationships and biological sampling for priority species |
9 |
FADs: |
9a |
Biodegradable FADs: prototypes performance |
9b |
Report of the FADs WG |
10 |
Ecosystem and bycatch: |
10a |
Ecosystem considerations |
10b |
Report of the Ecosystem and Bycatch WG |
10c |
Dolphin research: update |
10d |
Vulnerable species best handling practices: knowledge and research gaps |
11 |
Sharks: |
11a |
Silky and hammerhead sharks: impact of alternative management measures on vulnerability status (EASI-fish assessment) |
11b |
Improvements on shark data collection for EPO coastal States: |
11bi |
Central America: pilot study final report |
11bii |
Others: ABNJ (phase 2) |
12 |
Achotines Laboratory: |
12a |
Research program and activities: future directions |
13 |
Staff recommendations to the Commission |
14 |
SAC recommendations to the Commission |
15 |
Other business |
16 |
Adjournment |